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Minimalism for Beginners – A Simple Guide

Minimalism for beginners – a simple guide

Minimalism for beginners, Minimalism a simple guide


Minimalism for beginners – a simple guide to get you started

Are you looking for a guide to minimalism for beginners? Living a minimalist life is definitely one of the most life-changing and yet empowering decisions you could make. Living such a life comes with an immense amount of freedom, and it allows you to exhibit more control over things. Sounds ideal right?

Here’s helping you embrace it even better- and free yourself from the constant feeling of ‘want.’ Read on I am sure my minimalism for beginners guide will help you get started.


Minimalism for beginners a simple guide

minimalism for beginners


MINIMALISM FOR BEGINNERs has to include Making Finances Simple

Oh, we all long to make our finances more simple, minimalism for beginners has to address this it is not just about decor.

Breaking down your monthly expenses into simple sizeable slots is one of the best ways to embrace minimalism- at least financially. Give it a try and you will wonder how you ever managed without this process Not only will this help you keep track of your expenses and prevent you from splurging and overspending, but it’ll also pave the way for you to live a life that has less stress and worry. You’ll end up feeling more organized and in control – Minimalism for beginners may sound simple but it has a big impact from the start.

Consuming less is also,. of course, absolutely excellent for our finances and minimalism can apply to our lives in regard to all areas of acquisition and consumption – from food to fashion to home furnishings.

Just think you will never have to stress the sales again. You will also have perfect control and understanding of your financial situation – sounds good doesn’t it?


Minimalism for beginners

minimalism for beginners


Decide What Matters – the key to minimalism for beginners

Be it values, items and personal possessions or even the food you eat- embracing minimalism in every point of your life can really make a huge difference. Before you start to live such a life, think over what minimalism means to you, what your purpose is to embrace such a lifestyle, and how you would go about it. Consider the fact that you’ll have to probably learn to live without a lot of things in life, and how that would make you feel.

This list of books on minimalism will be a handy guide.



Declutter – an essential step in Minimalism for beginners

This one’s probably the toughest one on the list for most people. We often tend to hoard things and have trouble letting go, and having too much of anything is just the opposite of what you would want in your minimalist life. The next time you’re tempted to purchase something, ask yourself- “do I really need this?”

Once every month, do a quick check around your home and get rid of things and items that you haven’t used in a long time, and you probably won’t need. Stripping yourself off the excess will enable you to live a much simple life. Online recyclers can help you eliminate some of your clutter and recoup some cash by selling your iPad, iPhones, and other electronics taking up space in your home” after this sentence 

Oh I know decluttering may sound boring to you and I know you may face overwhelm too when you consider this. there are so many reasons people do not declutter. but oh my goodness there are simply huge benefits to decluttering and I really do urge you just to get started.


minimalism for beginners


Further reading on decluttering and why it matters SO much

I have written a lot about decluttering I actually think it can make the biggest difference to your home and to your wellbeing and it is a really important starting point in minimalism for beginners. Do have a look at my posts on decluttering if you want to address any issues you have with this

Declutter before and after

Why we are scared to declutter

3 wonderful reasons to declutter

storage hacks for a clutter free home

How to make your home clutter-free


Minimalism for beginners – my experience

I once had a professional declutter – just to really get me started on this path and it was an eye-opening experience. You can read about my experience of a professional declutter here – it is something I would recommend if you are really struggling to know where you could begin with this


Minimalism for beginners includes investing in High Quality

Another great way to actually keep yourself from spending too much and living a minimalist life is to always invest in products that are high quality- even if it means shelling out a bit more than how much you expected to spend. High-quality products usually last longer, and you’ll also be less likely to replace them frequently, which is great.


If  Minimalism for beginners proves tricky – Keep Trying

Let’s face it- trying to live a minimalist life in the extravagant world around us today can be super tough, but it is not impossible. All it takes it a lot of patience and some effort. You’ll definitely fall off the metaphorical horse a number of times, but don’t be too hard on yourself- forgive yourself, get back up and keep trying.

Living a minimal life is a big change- don’t expect to accomplish it in a matter of weeks. And habits? Wellhabit s can take quite some time to change so do keep plugging away  – minimalism for beginners requires effort and application and repeating.


Minimalism for beginners brings freedom

Remember that embracing the minimal for beginners lifestyle is tough, but it comes with an enormous amount of freedom. Not having to stress about storage or tidying or where to find the money to buy new or more stuff or to keep up with the trends. All of that will save you in time, stress, worry, shopping and expenditure. it really is freeing to be more minimal in each and every area of your life,.


Books on minimalism for beginners

I read a great book called the No Spend Year about minimalism for beginners that really inspired me I would also recommend Stuffocation -I have also written previously about how to make your home more minimalistic if you would like to explore this further in a home context.


More Minimalism for beginners – a simple guide to what to read next

I do hope you have enjoyed this post on minimalism for beginners and it helps you get started on this journey to a cleaner and clear and less materialistic life and lifestyle.  You might also like my post on How to maximise your home space with minimalism


Minimalism for beginners, first steps to minimlaism in all aspects of your home decor and lifestyle - the perfect starter guide for the aspiring minimalist

pin minimalism for beginners for later


Over to you – do you have any minimalism for beginners tips

Is minimalism for beginners something you are embracing or are you further along your minimalist journey. Do drop me a comment below and let me know how this relates to you. I always love to hear from you


Further reading on minimalism for beginners

simple ways to live a more minimalist life

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