Home » My beautiful things by Aby Moore

My beautiful things by Aby Moore

Aby Moore is a full-time blogger and online course creator. Aby writes You Baby Me Mummy, an award-winning top UK Family lifestyle blog, which specialises in blogging advice, coaching and courses. She aims to help mums create more freedom in their lives by turning their blogs into their businesses.

My beautiful things by Aby Moore

Aby’s story….

I started my blog when my daughter was 5 months old, I had PND, was being treated badly by my employer and most of my friends had ‘disappeared’. I had no idea about blogging, but just wanted to record our special family moments. I earned money within 4 months of starting and within 15 months I was earning more than I ever had done in my life. I now teach other mums to leverage their positives so they turn their blogs into their businesses and give their lives more freedom. Blogging literally changed my life and I love helping others use blogging to change theirs.


The most beautiful day I ever had ……

This is such a hard one, I could say my wedding day or winning a big competition on my horse when I was a competitive rider. However, I think it was the day I first saw Ava on the screen during an early 6-7 week scan. After a history or unexplained infertility and constant disappointment I didn’t believe she was in there until I saw her little squiggle on the screen. 

The most beautiful thing I have ever seen 

I’m going to give a typical mummy answer, but I have to say my daughter. For such a long time I thought I would never get the chance to be a mum and then the month before our first IVF appointment was schedule, she was conceived! I worried myself through pregnancy, convinced something was going to go wrong and then after a scary birth, she was here and my life had been changed forever. 

The most beautiful thing I have ever owned …

My amazing horse of a lifetime, Oz. Officially called Nibeley Warrior he was my partner and best friend for 8 years. I trained him from scratch and we climbed the dressage rankings together, having so much fun over the years. He was a true superstar, until sadly his recurrent incurable lameness meant he had to be put to sleep, and my heart was broken. 

The most beautiful song I have ever heard …..

I’m a total rock chick, but I do have quite eclectic tastes and a song which always stills my inner anxiety and totally grounds me is by ‘i giorni’ by the pianist Ludovico Einaudi. A close second would be Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, which always reminds me of Oz.

The most beautiful person I know is…..

My daughter is the most beautiful person I know, but to spread the love around I have three best friends who radiate beauty. They are all beautiful inside and out; my world is forever a better place to have them in my life – Amy, Katy and Ceri.

The most beautiful thing about me is……

Why is this sort of question always so difficult to answer! I would say my loyalty to other especially my friends.

You can find Aby in the following places…


Blog, Courses, Mamapreneur Revolution Facebook group, FB, Twitter, IG, YT, Pinterest

Thank you so much Aby

Becky x



  1. Kien
    October 28, 2017 / 8:56 am

    Blog with really interesting sharing.

  2. Fiona Cambouropoulos
    October 23, 2017 / 9:25 am

    Aw so lovely and I do love Aby’s last answer, that makes someone a special friend

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