Home » My Beautiful Things by Eliza from My Everything Beautiful

My Beautiful Things by Eliza from My Everything Beautiful

Today we have a lovely beautiful Space interview with Eliza from My Everything Beautiful ( the perfect blog name for this interview!) Over to Eliza ….


My everything beautiful

My name is Eliza Urzica and I write at My everything beautiful I have two children under 2 (both boys), a husband who I love dearly and a German shepherd dog,
Sasha. I am in my final year of university, studying Event Management. I initially started my blog as a way to write about my struggles being a mum and a student at the same time, but I have found that I don’t really write much about that and use my blog as a way to actually forget about the stress that university causes.

You can also find me on Instagram and Facebook


my everything beautiful


The most beautiful day I ever had:

It goes without saying that my wedding day was my favourite and filled with emotions and love, but the most beautiful day I ever had was when I went to 10 different unfortunate families that don’t have as much as we do, and we gave them loads of stuff. Their happy faces made my day beautiful and I learned how to be grateful for everything I have and not take it for granted. I wish I could do this more often.



The most beautiful thing I have ever seen:

I went to Turkey for my honeymoon and I really wanted to see Pamukkale because I have heard such beautiful. I was blown away by how amazing it looked. I would love to go again, perhaps when my boys grow a bit older.


The most beautiful thing I have ever owned:

Oh, I haven’t owned many things in my life (if you don’t count the toys and the school notebooks that is). I have recently just purchased a MacBook Pro which I never thought I would, but I needed to change my old laptop anyway so I thought ‘Why not?’. I’m not going to buy another laptop for a couple of years no, because this one was very expensive, but I do love it. It’s so easy to work with!



The most beautiful song I have ever heard:

Christina Perri – A Thousand Years; still has my heart. This song was played as I walked down the aisle at my wedding.


The most beautiful person I know is:

My mother definitely!


The most beautiful thing about me is:

This is definitely a hard question because as humans, we don’t tend to think a lot of the beautiful things that we do and the beautiful people that we are. It’s always someone else that is better than us, and I do that a lot to myself unfortunately. However, I think that the most beautiful thing about me is that I love giving, even when I don’t receive anything. I’ll give birthday presents to everyone I know even if they didn’t give me one for my birthday, and my husband doesn’t like that sometimes, but oh well.


How absolutely lovely are your photos Eliza thanks so much for sharing with us x



  1. December 6, 2017 / 3:50 pm

    Oh my fellow romanian I think! You are so young Eliza! And you have two kids already! Just wow! Going over to check out your blog!

    • Eliza Urzica
      December 7, 2017 / 11:00 pm

      Hi Otilia.

      Thank you so much. Yes, I am Romanian haha!

      Sending you lots of hugs and love ?❤️

  2. Eliza Urzica
    December 4, 2017 / 10:24 am

    Thank you for having me ❤️?!

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