A Mum Track Mind
Fi is a mum of two who also happens to run the award winning parenting and lifestyle blog A Mum Track Mind from her home in rural Lancashire. She writes with a pug on her knee, a coffee in hand and a candid style with total honesty about parenting and the transition to a healthier, happier, family life. We are so delighted to have her here today at A Beautiful Space
Over to Fi…
The most beautiful day I ever had
Honestly, one of the most beautiful days I ever had was the day I found out I was having my baby girl. After losing a baby and then going on to suffer with the most horrendous hyperemesis gravidarum, I was feeling pretty down and desperate to be honest. When they wheeled me down from the hospital room (where I spent much of the nine months of my pregnancy) to the scan room and the sonographer told us that we were having a baby girl, I cried with joy. A healthy baby is always a total blessing but between my partner and I we already have three boys and we had so wanted a girl this time round. The thought of meeting her, visualising her as a person and getting to know my daughter was a moment of magic that I will treasure forever. In that moment none of the sickness or agonies existed anymore. The room was just full of hope and love and reassurance for the future. Makes me a bit emotional even now, 2 years later as said baby girl is demolishing my house!
The most beautiful thing I have ever seen …
I don’t know about you but I think that the most beautiful moments are almost always the simplest ones and I am incredibly lucky that there are so many of them in my life. The moment that my children really looked at and interacted with each other for the first time is a pretty special one though. Not the very first time my son held my daughter, that was very sweet of course but it’s also a bit of a nervous moment as any parent will attest to. But you know that second when they both lock eyes and communicate for the first time with a smile, the moment they both recognise the bond that will hopefully last forever and sense that this other person is a part of them? That’s where the magic lies and the moment that is imprinted in my head and heart forever.
The most beautiful thing I have ever owned …
I am definitely not a things kind of person (although my partner may disagree when looking at my shoe collection!!) and I am on a journey to really simplify and minimalize the amount of “stuff” hiding in my house. However, one thing I will always treasure is a silver, engraved bangle that belonged to my Granny and then my own Mother too. Growing up, they lived in Iran where my Grandpa was working and that’s where it comes from so in that respect it is irreplaceable. The beauty isn’t really in the intricacies of the Persian design though but more in the fact that I have something tangible that my lovely Granny treasured and wore but that also means so much to my own mum. It’s a lovely way to keep the connection alive and is something that I will pass on to my own daughter when she is an adult and can understand its importance.
The most beautiful song I have ever heard …..
This is an easy one but will sound a bit strange. My favourite song is ‘One Enchanted Evening’ from South Pacific. Before you judge me (lol) there’s a story. If you’ve never heard of the song, it’s about two strangers whose eyes meet across a dancefloor and they fall madly in love in that moment. Cheesy but beautiful in an old-school romantic kind of way.
I’m told that my Grandparents actually met just like they do in the song when they both served in the army during the war. As a child I used to fantasise that it would also happen to me (Disney princess wannabe right here) and although it didn’t *sobs* I am always transported right back to that little fantasy and the romance of it each time I hear it.
Wow, that sounds super sad now I’ve said it out loud!!
The most beautiful person I know is…..
My daughter but not just for her adorableness (that has to be a word right?!) and dimples (oosh). She is most beautiful for her utter innocence and belief that the world is a good place. In her 19 months of life it has luckily only ever been a good place to her so she’s right in a way! I adore seeing her feisty spirit coming through and her unwavering confidence in everything she does. She will always be perfect to me obviously but right now her innocence and positivity is especially, mesmerizingly beautiful.
The most beautiful thing about me is……
This is always the hardest type of question to answer. I wouldn’t like to pick a physical attribute because it’s a bit subjective anyway but I’m not against saying I have a pretty good rack (jokes!)
So as I couldn’t answer myself I asked my son (aged 11) who I was sure would say something like my hair or maybe even my cooking (double lol’s). He surprised me by actually saying “you are beautiful because you are so kind and forgiving”. All the feels and a touch of humour – who says you can’t work with kids?!
Thank you so much for having me join in with such a feel-good and positive series. I can’t wait to read all of the other answers – such a lovely idea.
Thanks Fi – your answers are just lovely!