Marie Blake
ABOUT ME – Marie Blake
Sporting the ‘mum bun’ since December 2017. I’m a first time mum, living in Norwich my boyfriend, a baby and three dogs.
I had great visions of spending my maternity leave baking, painting and completing my novel. Turns out I spend my days under a sea of babies and dogs, stopping the dogs from waking the baby with their barking and stopping the baby from eating dog food!
Originally from Bournemouth I trained as an actress and can still be found teaching small people performing arts. My Parenting and Lifestyle blog is over at
You can also find me lurking on Instagram
Or on Twitter
And Facebook
Beautiful Things
The most beautiful day I ever had…
One of my favourite cities in the world is New York, last year we got stuck in storm Stella. Manhattan covered in snow is just incredible – and very cold. I felt so lucky to see New York under a blanket of snow, and more snow…and more snow,
The most beautiful thing I have ever seen …
I watched Alan Rickman in a play a few years ago, the most beautiful live performance I have ever seen. Such an incredible actor. I feel so lucky to have watched him perform on stage.
The most beautiful thing I have ever owned …
My dogs, I have three shih tzus called Obi, Leia and Vader and to me they are just beautiful. Plus dogs are so loyal and loving – coming home to their excitement is a feeling that never gets old, it really is beautiful.
The most beautiful song I have ever heard …..
Sometimes the power of knowing the meaning of a song can change its purpose. I always enjoyed Gary Barlows ‘let me go’ but after discovering the song was written in the voice of his stillborn child, the song became something else entirely, I weep when I hear it now and I really hope it brings others comfort.
The most beautiful person I know is…..
My daughter Jasmine, beautiful to look at and she loves me unconditionally. Even when I haven’t brushed my hair or showered that day, she taught me a love I never even knew existed.
The most beautiful thing about me is……
My desire to see people succeed not fail!
Your story is beautiful…so happy