The Money Whisperer
Emma is a UK based family lifestyle and personal finance blogger who shares her secrets to living the good life on her blog The Money Whisperer . She is a mummy to two little curly princesses who more than keep her on her toes. Emma started her blog as a hobby to fill the time when her husband was watching football! Her passion for travel and enjoying life comes across as she shares tips and tricks around money matters which she hopes will enable other to enjoy the lifestyle Emma is proud of.
The Money Whisperer interview
The most beautiful day I ever had ……
The days running up to our wedding in far northern Australia were unseasonally rainy and it looked as if the outdoor wedding that we had been planning for a year would have to be inside. With half an hour to go, I made the decision to get married as planned outside, come rain or shine. Incredibly, the rain moved away over the reef and we married under the most amazing end-to-end rainbow. No one believes our wedding photos aren’t photoshopped. It was the most unbelievable rainbow and every time I have seen a rainbow since, I am reminded of that beautiful day!
It’s so easy to get caught up in the moment during your wedding day and suddenly it’s over! I loved staying at our wedding venue. waking up in the beautiful four poster bed and being able to relive the day on the balcony eating breakfast in the sunshine overlooking where we got married the day before. We were still caught up in the amazingness of it all but it felt like it wasn’t going at super-fast speed like the wedding day had. It’s such a beautiful place; I hope we are able to return one day…
The most beautiful thing I have ever seen…
My babies when they were born. There is nothing more beautiful in this world than new life. I can’t watch One Born Every Minute without blubbing!
The most beautiful thing I have ever owned …
I’m going to go a bit off centre here and say my Australian passport. I left the UK aged 26 to go on a work secondment to Melbourne and swiftly fell in love with the land down under. My two-year secondment turned in to almost seven years…. Seven years filled with new friends, great life experiences, a boyfriend I met then married and then our first daughter (nicknamed our little Mala which is an Aboriginal name for a wallaby!). We applied for Australian citizenship during our time there and for this I am truly grateful; Australia holds a huge place in my heart. Early retirement in the sunshine is in our masterplan so this passport really is a beautiful thing!
The most beautiful song I have ever heard …..
My eldest daughter sings from the moment she gets up in the morning until the moment she goes to sleep! She often talks to us in song – it’s her little quirk! They quickly realized at nursery that she was a little performer and unbeknown to me, selected her to sing a solo in the Christmas performance and kept it a secret from us. She was just turned four! When my amazing little girl walked to the front of the stage for the final song of the show and belted out a solo in front of a mini microphone stand to a hundred or so parents,
I couldn’t look at my husband because we were both completely choked up. It’s a magical thing to see your children blossom – I’m sure there as so many proud parent moments to come but in that moment, the voice of my tiny performer was the most beautiful thing...
The most beautiful person I know is…..
Easy, my nephew Finley. Finley was born with Haemophilia B and has spent his life in and out of Great Ormond Street treating that among other medical issues. Regardless of whether he’s been staying at GOSH for a couple of nights or if he’s having to go home from a fun play date with us to have his injections, he always gives me a huge kiss and a cuddle with a big smile. Anyone who meets him knows he’s a special kid with a beautiful heart. I love him so much.
The most beautiful thing about me is……
Gosh this is hard! I always put my children first ahead of everything else – I hope others see the joy motherhood brings me and my love for my children as my most beautiful characteristic. Although I’m not sure the wrinkles they have given me are that beautiful…!