Home » My Beautiful Things by Petra from A Mum Reviews

My Beautiful Things by Petra from A Mum Reviews

Beautiful Things – Petra from A Mum Reviews is with us this week sharing her most beautiful things


Hi, I’m Petra from A Mum Reviews which is a lifestyle and product review blog for parents. I’m 30 years old and a mum of two girls, aged nearly 4 years and 19 months. I’m Swedish but live in Sheffield where I’ve been for about 10 years now.


The most beautful day I ever had was when my first daughter was born. I had a really good birth experience the first time around and had always wanted to be a mother so it was a special day that I really enjoyed even though it was full of pain too!

The most beautiful thing I have ever seen is my two daughters showing their love for each other by spontaneously hugging, cuddling and kissing each other.

The most beautiful thing I have ever owned is a Masai angel that represents my dad who passed away on my 21st birthday.

The most beautiful song I have ever heard is Harry Nilsson’s Without You. I first noticed it in the film The Rules of Attraction and has loved it ever since. It often makes me cry! Another song that I find very beautiful is Lucy Spraggan’s Tea and Toast which also makes me cry – every time.


The most beautiful person I know is … this one is difficult and I can’t choose! My dad, my mum, my sisters, my husband and my daughters!

The most beautiful thing about me is that babies and children seem to really like me. I’ve always been good at keeping babies calm and happy and children entertained. Happy children make me happy!



You can find Petra across social media: Instagram Twitter and Facebook

Thankyou Petra x



    • becky
      January 17, 2018 / 4:31 pm

      You are most welcome

  1. Sarah Deeks
    December 19, 2017 / 2:23 pm

    Lovely post.
    I can identify with lots of your favourite things. It makes me so happy to see my children (aged 5, 3 and 14 months) playing together, giggling and making each other giggle. Also hearing them say ‘I love you’ back to me is heart-warming 🙂

    Sarah http://www.livechicandwell.com

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