Home » Onwards and Upwards: The Future of the Smart Home Trend

Onwards and Upwards: The Future of the Smart Home Trend

Smart Home Trend – From biometric locks to app-controlled heating and lighting, AI has become an almost crucial enhancement to our day-to-day lives as more and more people are investing in ‘smart homes’. This consumer trend has been rapidly developing over the last several decades and largely relies on the Internet of Things (IoT) — devices that are connected and are able to communicate through a digital network.

The possibilities for this area of technology are endless, so how will smart homes continue to impact our lives, and what is in store for this trend moving forward?


Who are smart homes for?


Smart Home Trend



Since the premise of smart homes is that many basic appliances are controlled through other devices and apps, this can sound daunting for those who don’t consider themselves particularly tech-savvy. This is supported by ExpressVPN’s technological age quiz, which is based on real statistics on how the internet and internet-enabled devices are used by people from various age groups. An older technological age is associated with an unwillingness or inability to use newer forms of technology, as well as limited or no use of smartphones and a potential preference for certain social media sites.

Old habits die hard, and it’s no surprise that many people who aren’t accustomed to relying on smartphones or the internet might prefer to stick to manual methods. This is particularly the case for those who may regard modern technology with some level of distrust or confusion.

Having said this, smart homes are by no means just for the young or lazy — we can expect that more and more elderly people or those with physical or mental impairments will use smart home technology. Having the means to provide additional security and support can be life-changing for both these groups and those around them. The following points are just a few examples of how smart technology can be used in this manner:

• Motion sensors to protect those who are at risk of falls by adjusting lighting or alerting others once motion or a fall has been detected.
• Automatic alerts can be set up for those with memory impairments, whether the front door has been left unlocked or medication is due.
• Voice control applications and virtual assistants can give more autonomy and independence to those with limited mobility or visual impairments.


Switch it on, switch it up – the Smart Home Trend

Having smart home technology has opened up a vast range of possibilities. From enhancing efficiency and productivity through connected appliances to adapting the architectural structure of your home by shifting walls and using available space. The technology associated with moderniaed public buildings rather than private homes was rethought and redesigned to adapt to and better suit the latter setting.

People are finding ways to incorporate smart devices in their homes without opting for predesigned homes filled with chunky appliances that can easily ruin an interior’s charm. One such example is the mui Board, a wooden touch-control panel developed by Japan-based company mui Lab, which aims to blend in with other furniture. Designing devices that don’t stand out amongst other rustic and natural materials may seem like a minor feature in the grand scheme of things, but it shows that visual aesthetics should never be traded in for any modern upgrade.
Saving money and the planet


The Future of the Smart Home Trend


While it is easy to assume that filling a household with so many devices comes with a series of expensive consequences, as well as the risk of wasting tons of energy, this is not necessarily true. Smart homes are potentially the sustainable way forward when it comes to managing your household, as well as your bills.While it is true that smart homes have been evolving over the years, so too has green technology. Companies such as Samsung have already introduced technology that responds to the need for tighter energy management for ‘key systems like HVAC, appliances, lighting, and anything that is plugged into a smart outlet or plug’.

Smart thermostats, LED bulbs, and outlets are just a few of the things that can be controlled remotely at home to conserve energy. Installing monitors that are able to detect issues such as leaks and appliances left on standby will not only exist for convenience but will also provide you with more autonomy over how your money is being spent and awareness of your carbon footprint.


The future is now

When we talk about living alongside AI, this isn’t just in reference to using computer programs at work or smartphones for communication, nor is it an elusive concept that lives in sci-fi novels attempting to predict an enlightened era that is just out of reach. Smart home technology continues to advance in leaps and bounds and has now certainly secured itself a place in modern architecture, contributing to a more secure and sustainable future.

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