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The Perfect Plasterer’s Toolkit

Let us take a look at The Perfect Plasterer’s Toolkit

Every plasterer has to rely on certain tools that are simply staples of the job. There is however, some room for debate regarding the ideal assortment of tools, and it is this point of contention that has spawned hundreds of messages of debate on plastering forums.

To settle the debate once and for all or to perhaps add fuel to the fire, here is our take on the perfect plasterer’s toolkit.


Perfect Plasterer’s Toolkit


Perfect Plasterer’s Toolkit

Let’s see what is inside…


Hop up

An essential to reach the uppermost regions of walls, a hop-up is a piece of kit that you can’t afford to forget. While they don’t offer the same height as stepladders, they are far more lightweight and occupy a lot less space – perfect for when you’re constantly on the move.


Mechanical whisk

Upon being mixed with water, gypsum reacts rapidly, so making sure the two are properly mixed should be your first priority. A mechanical whisk is adept at mixing the two substances together with ease. The plaster starts to set just ten minutes after it first comes into contact with water, making it imperative to mix the two together as quickly and efficiently as possible – a mechanical whisk will allow you to do just that.



The importance of a quality bucket cannot be overstated. Capable of withstanding wear and tear and wide enough for ease of access with a trowel are both components of the ideal bucket for plastering. A mixing bucket that is quick and easy to clean is vital to prevent contaminants from spoiling the mixture.


Bucket trowel in the perfect plasterer’s toolkit

Going hand-in-hand with a quality bucket is a quality bucket trowel. The only tool you can really use to scrape residual mortar from the bucket without damaging the base, a bucket trowel needs to be composed of a non-slip handle and a robust, durable blade designed to withstand the everyday wear of use.


Perfect Plasterer’s Toolkit

K Rend Scraper

Capable of producing a distinctive flourish, a K Rend scraper (you guessed it) scrapes back the surface of the plaster to expose parts of the aggregate to startling effect. An alternative to the traditionally smooth finish, this kind of scraper gives you the kind of versatility that you would not otherwise possess.



A hawk can be difficult to use, but once you become proficient with it, it can save you tons of time and money. A hawk is used to carry plaster with you as you move across the wall, making the transfer of plaster seamless, and infinitely faster.


Perfect Plasterer’s Toolkit


Finishing trowel in a Perfect Plasterer’s Toolkit

After applying the plaster to the designated area, the use of a finishing trowel is necessary to ensure that the plaster is equally distributed and impeccably smooth. Any imperfections are a black mark against you, and if you truly take pride in your work, it is worth investing in a quality trowel.

Do you think our perfect plasterer’s toolkit is it perfect? Do you agree or disagree and why?



Perfect plasterer’s toolkit is a featured post – I think you will love this story of a hero plasterer! 



1 Comment

  1. Ciara
    December 16, 2017 / 4:17 am

    These tips and types of tools that should be used are great for anyone, who especially isn’t familiar with DIY to figure out the basics. Your descriptions and wording are great for everyone and not too advance.

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