Home » Places I Love: Hampton Court Palace

Places I Love: Hampton Court Palace

A few years ago for a blogger event I was invited to Hampton Court Palace for a family fun day.

It is such a lovely memory – the whole trip.

My daughter was 3 and this was our first foray to London together. We traveled first class and she was an angel. We had the most lovely journey reading and playing on the iPad and she chattered away about what she saw outside the train window.

Such dear, lovely company.

Once we got to London we had a car and chauffeur drive us to Hampton Court  – what a treat we felt like princesses!

As we arrived and drove up the drive to the palace where we  fell in love at first sight.  How spectacular is that view.

Annalise was completely convinced she would see the queen. Henry the eighth was bumbling about greeting the many visistors and she was delighted.

Told everyone for months afterwards she had met a real king.


Hampton court palace

We played lots of games in the garden room and we saw lots of lovely rooms int he house. . Hampton Court Palace is full of fabulous furnishings, tapestries and paintings. It is set  60 acres of formal gardens, which include the famous maze and Great Vine.

We had tea, and races in the garden (Lisi won her first ever medal whilst she was there and wore it for weeks!) and we just wandered around taking in all the splendour.)  It is a magical place to visit, steeped in history and a place to have adventures.

I had a day out I will always remember with my best baby girl.


fairy fun day


Hampton Court Palace  – Commissioned post

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