Help Sightsavers today please.
They are asking the public to help make life fairer for people with disabilities in some of the world’s poorest countries.
As well as preventing avoidable sight loss, Sightsavers help people who are irreversibly blind access education, training and healthcare – so they have the same opportunities as anyone else. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for our government’s international development work; people with disabilities aren’t benefiting from programmes aimed at reducing poverty.
How to help Sightsavers
So they’ve launched ‘Put Us in the Picture’, a campaign calling on the government to make sure people with disabilities aren’t left behind. It is not fair people are denied an education because there’s nobody trained to help them learn. Or that people are hidden away because their communities think their blindness is caused by a curse or evil spirit.
Or that people can’t support their families, despite having valuable skills and a desire to work.
It’s beyond unfair, it’s wrong.
And with 60 seconds and a Facebook or Twitter profile picture, people can show politicians they think it’s wrong too – by putting themselves in this picture. The more people add their picture, the clearer the image of social inclusion becomes – figuratively and literally if we shout loud enough! fit:
People with disabilities are being excluded from the fight against global poverty. Please help put them #InThePicture
80% of blindness in the world can be cured! To find out more about Sightsavers….