Home » Social Introvert – 15 Self-Care Ideas to Make Life Amazing

Social Introvert – 15 Self-Care Ideas to Make Life Amazing

Self-care ideas for  a social inrovert. As a social introvert  self-care ideas are important  and actually quite different to those you might guide an extrovert towards.

To simply live and mingle with the world is easy for outgoing people, but as for us introverts, it’s a constant struggle. Even though we are happy being alone, only sometimes it can get to us such that we feel lonely and unconfident. That’s why we need self-care to make ourselves feel better.

But fortunately or unfortunately, we are different from other people, what may be comforting for some, might not be for us. It is for this reason, I have created a list of self-care ideas especially for introverts so that they can pamper themselves in the best way possible.

So, let’s dive right in.



15 self-care ideas for a Social Introvert

If you want to find out more about what is a social introvert  this definition of a social introvert explains it so well 


  1. Reading – a social introvert LOVES book 

Some introverts only need a book and a closed room, and they’re happy for life. If this is your idea of therapy, then – To kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is my recommendation or why don’t you check out my list of 100 books to read before you die – that will keep any social introvert busy!


  1. A hot-tub bath for a Social Introvert

An hour in the hot tub while listening to soothing music? Pure bliss. You can add fragrances, essential oils, and rose petals to create a soothing and aesthetic vibe.

Self-Care Ideas for a Social Introvert


  1. Shut the door and dance

When no one is there to watch you dancing, that my friend is called a happy dance. So if you happen to have a room to yourself and pretty chill neighbors, there’s no reason you should skip it.


  1.  Journaling for the social introvert

It’s good to have people who can lend you an ear. But, in case you don’t have them or you feel like keeping things to yourself, A journaling notebook can be your knight and shining armor.


social introvert


  1. Social Introvert – You may want to re-watch your favorite television series

In the mood for a little reminiscing? Go watch your favorite television series all over again. You might know what would come next, but even then it would be ecstatic to watch and laugh with it.


  1. Give yourself a spa if you are a Social Introvert

Why do you have to head outside when you can give yourself a spa at home? Wondering how? Head here.

And also take a look here for some home spa ideas



  1. Watch TED Talks for the Social Introvert

I don’t know if you have watched them before. But TED talks are super inspiring and motivating. Perfect inspiring therapy for your mind.  Here’s my recommendation. And od take a look here for the top 10 parenting TED talks


  1. Talk to a friend you haven’t talked to in ages – even a Social Introvert needs to socialise once in a while

Life happens and you lose touch with people. It’s pretty normal, but to connect with them all together again is pure joy.


Self-Care Ideas for a Social Introvert


  1. Go for a drive – Out but alone – perfect for the Social Introvert

Not all self-care methods can be pulled within the four walls of your home. You need to step out to feel refreshed and energized, and for that purpose going for a long drive is a good idea.


  1. Play with your pet – a pet is a great companion for a social introvert

If you are blessed with a pet, let them know. Cuddle and snuggle with them, and know that if there’s someone who can love you the most, it is these little cuties.


social introvert


  1. Re-decorate your home.

Cleaning a home is routine, but how often do you revamp your home? A little rearrangement and addition of home-décor stuff such as plants or even frames can give your home a refreshing look that will calm your mind.  


  1. Paint something – Art is a lovely pastime for a Social Introvert

How long has it been since you drew or painted something? If it has been long enough, then you have to do that again. Trust me, it would feel no less than therapy for a social introvert


  1. Bake a cake – a Social Introvert can eat it all to themselves if they wish!

It’s euphoric to eat a cake, but to bake a cake is one of the most enjoyable things to do. So whether it is red velvet cake or lip-smacking brownies, bake your favorites right at home. I love this easy lemon drizzle cake 



  1. Order your favorite delicacy – a social introvert top treat 

It’s okay to be lazy when you are pampering yourself. Therefore, if you think cooking is too much of a hassle for you, feel free to order your favorite delicacy from our favorite restaurant. Sponge cake delivery anyone?


  1. Just chill amidst fairy lights – the perfect place for a social introvert

If you haven’t heard, dim lights can not only add a subtle touch to your room but can also elevate your mood. It’s paradise to just sit doing nothing in a room decorated with fairy lights.



That’s all from my side. I hope I was able to give you some amazing ideas. Now, it’s your time to make it the best day of your life by pampering yourself!


Over to you – who I am guessing is a Social Introvert

Which activity you liked the most and are planning on inculcating in your routine? Or do you have any suggestions for the same? Drop your answers in the comments. I’d love to read your answers and insights.

 You might also like a read of my post on quotes for the social introvert  a comprehensive post where I also look at some books that introverts might be interested in too








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