Home » My Beautiful Things by Jane Berry from Shoestring Cottage

My Beautiful Things by Jane Berry from Shoestring Cottage

Today – Jane Berry from Shoestring Cottage

Shoestring Cottage


Jane from Shoestring Cottage

Jane Berry, aka Shoestring Jane, blogs about all things thrifty and money saving at www.shoestringcottage.com. She firmly believes that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to be happy and live a good life. We are so pleased to have her guest posting for us today, Over to Jane


The most beautiful day I ever had ……

So many beautiful days to choose from! I am a fan of the simple pleasures of life, and a recent beautiful day was spent on Wrabness beach with Mr Shoestring in the sunshine. We had a lovely picnic and some mini bottles of prosecco. It was almost deserted, the water was totally calm and we had the most blissful swim. Utterly relaxing – who needs a spa?


The most beautiful thing I have ever seen  …

My three daughters’ new born faces. They probably were red and rumpled in reality, but I was out of it on the magic of it all, not to mention the copious amounts of gas and air I consumed…


shoestring cottage

Jane from shoestring cottage


The most beautiful thing I have ever owned …

I am not remotely materialistic and don’t really care about possessions. But we are lucky enough to own a house with a big, bountiful garden. When the flowers are in full bloom and the vegetable patch is at its most productive it is definitely the most beautiful thing I have ever owned.


The most beautiful song I have ever heard …..

I am a huge fan of Joni Mitchell. It is hard to choose just one of hers but maybe Blue or the Circle Game. I also have a memory of an unknown Peruvian band playing their panpipes on the battlements in Carcassonne many moons ago, which was completely magical.


The most beautiful person I know is…..

Mr Shoestring – my partner Justin – who supports me through thick and thin. He is a master of improvisation and has a shedful of bits, ‘just in case’. He recently spotted the sad frame of a garden bench at the side of the road. It is now in our garden repaired and painted, and gets many a compliment. The dishwasher died and he repaired it. It died and he repaired it again. It died and he gave up but had found a ‘new’ one by the following day, for free!


The most beautiful thing about me is……

Gosh, I have no idea! My left ear lobe is particularly pretty I believe J. I strive to be grateful every day and try to see the good in everybody.


Thankyou lovely Jane from Shoestring Cottage for sharing your beautiful things with us


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  1. Mandy
    September 9, 2017 / 7:24 pm

    Is Mr Shoestring related to Simon Cowell,he’s certainly got the X factor.

  2. Eloise
    August 28, 2017 / 9:10 am

    None of us are very good at proclaiming our own inner or outer beauty, Jane. I’ll bet your family and friends could come up with a long list about what a beautiful person you are. I am as bad as the next person at finding beauty within myself but I recently measured it by looking at the number of birthday cards from friends which said such nice things as ‘to a lovely friend’. greed with Mummy – Mrt S is a jolly handsome chap!

    • Eloise
      August 28, 2017 / 9:11 am

      That should, of course, say I AGREE with Mummy!

      • ilona
        August 31, 2017 / 7:13 pm

        Mr Shoestring is not just handsome, he is chuffin gorgeous :o)

        • September 9, 2017 / 2:52 pm

          Aww thanks Eloise and Illona, of course -Mr S’s second biggest fan, after me 🙂

  3. Margaret Powling
    August 27, 2017 / 7:11 am

    Popped over from your own blog to read this – how could I resist? What a lovely Q&A session. What is beautifl about you? Well, I’d say your lovely personality and obvious kindness and love of your family – this shines through your blog and through this guest post. Thank you to Becky for inviting you to do this post.
    Margaret P

    • September 9, 2017 / 2:54 pm

      Thank you, Margaret, what a lovely thing to say 🙂

  4. Mummy
    August 16, 2017 / 1:27 pm

    Love this Jane. How did we get such an inspirational daughter. Proud of you???.Just one little grumble, thought I was the most beautiful thing but I don’t mind coming second to Mr. Shoestring. He is a bit tasty.

    • September 9, 2017 / 2:55 pm

      Thanks Mummy :). Not sure if I should pass all these nice comments on – Mr S might get a big head!

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