Suffering In The Cold
Just because Christmas is over and we’re once again revelling in the new year doesn’t mean we’re not longer allowed to be shivering in our boots. We’re still in winter after all, and that means the cold is going to be seeping into our bones for a while to come! So, to make this season a little easier on our bodies, here’s some tips for you to look into concerning the warmth of your household; just because it’s warmer in an igloo than the Arctic doesn’t mean it’s not cold at all!
Change the Curtains Around
The ones you’re using now probably aren’t heavy duty enough to keep any stray air out, and that’s a huge problem. Heat dumps in the form of improperly fitted windows and cracks in the pane are a lot more expensive to manage than preventative measures like these.
Buy some blackout curtains or even just some thick drapes and fit them in every room. It’s a good way to make sure your family are being kept as cosy as possible without you all snuggling up 24/7. You’re going to still want to let in some fresh air, so make sure these curtains aren’t always closed, and mainly keep them pulled when the night rolls around.
Eat Healthily
You’ll want to make sure your body has enough energy to burn, physically and metaphorically, so keep your 5 a day meals coming. Have plenty of hot drinks to go around, and make sure you’re eating at least one warm food a day.
Get a Service Done
Our houses are meant to keep us warm and safe, and when they’re not doing one or either of those things, something definitely needs to change! Having a roof over your head means you’re not constantly exposed to the elements outside, and you’re a lot healthier as a result, so don’t let your freezing radiators continue in their ways just because you have a roof over your head!
Keep your homes at a steady temperature of about 21 degrees, as this is what we usually have to deal with on normal days. Any higher and you might be paying astronomical bills at the end of the month, and you don’t want to be wasting any warmth when you’re starting to boil over in your pajamas.
If you can’t manage this on your current plan, you can install some electric central heating, which is a lot easier to cope with than any boilers or gas using heating that a lot of houses still have. It’s also a lot safer to use, and means we’ll stay toasty for longer because of the modernised effect; it can cope with any changes in the housing market better than traditional alternatives.
You don’t need to suffer in the cold any longer, so make some small changes to your household if need be. It means you’re going to be in much better form for spring, perfect for days at the park and running around the garden.
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