Stylish Bathroom Updates
It is looking a little tired and shabby at the moment I am sorry to say.
I think it is time for some stylish bathroom updates.
My bathroom hasn’t had a makeover in quite some time and it needs a little upgrade here or there to make a bit more luxe. Here’s what I am thinking of adding to give it a lift.
Stylish Bathroom Updates – An illuminated bathroom mirror
I have been thinking for a while that I would like a lighted bathroom mirror
I love to do beauty blogs, as regular readers will know, and my bathroom mirror just doesn’t do them justice.
illuminated mirror from Clearlight Designs
An illuminated mirror would really enable me to see in high definition how my skin looked and work so well for beauty vlogs and reviews too.
I also think they look a little Hollywood- esque, don’t you?
Stylish Bathroom Updates – A vertical radiator
Space is at a premium in my tiny bathroom and a vertical radiator would I enable me to have great floor space. I vv also thinks vertical radiators can look so very cool i juts want one really for the design effect! Goodness knows how I would hang my towels up though!
Stylish Bathroom Updates
Stylish Bathroom Updates – Plants, plants and more plants
I am going to have to rein myself back a bit on this one I think. Plants galore would be my dream come true buts as space is an issue I would need to pick my bathroom plants carefully or they could complete dominate.
What b plants would I choose? Well, I do like to see aloe vera in a bathroom but actually what I was thinking of was an Umbrella plant, lovey and green with controlled leaves. My heart hankers after a spider plant but they really are a way to wild for a tiny bathroom space.
Stylish Bathroom Updates can be simple but actually make a world of difference
Stylish bathroom updates have to include a beautiful bath
Do you love bathing?
I am a rather huge fan of bath time I have to admit. It is a must do for me and dar far more pleasurable than a shwrr. Unfortunately the rest of my family feel the same so it si a fight for bath time
It is one of my most favourite things to do and I have a bath pretty much every single day. Just find it super relaxing,. Will any bath do? Well pretty much although I dearly would love a stand-alone bath with claw feet. It would make me feel like the queen to bathe in a bathtub like that and wouldn’t it look glorious. I would have silver taps, not gold, as my illuminated mirror would give the room a modern vibe.
And oh, of course, I would need a whole heap of brand new towels and accessories that co-ordinated and a gazillion bath bombs in all sorts of beautiful configurations – that would be delightful
Stylish Bathroom Updates of my dreams!
So there you go, some stylish bathroom updates I am hankering after. How is your bathroom working for you at the moment? Is there anything you are looking at changing up to make it the bathroom of your dreams? What would you add to your bathroom to make it the bathroom of your dreams and one you truly love to spend time in ?
Please do as always drop me a comment below I do love to hear all your thoughts and ideas for interiors. It is so much fun to make our homes the very best that they can be
Stylish bathroom updates is a collaborative post