Home » The Importance of Diamonds – history and characteristics

The Importance of Diamonds – history and characteristics

I have always absolutely loved to wear diamond earrings

Tiny diamond studs are my wear with anything earring and I think that they look just as good with jeans as they do with a little black dress. For me they are a wardrobe staple and I would never travel without them.

Diamonds are an important part of many women’s jewellery collections. I have not ever met someone who doesn’t like diamonds but what is so timeless and universally appealing about a diamond?


The Importance of diamonds


The history of diamonds

 Did you know that the very first diamond was found in India in 4th century BC although of course the actual diamond deposits were considered to have been many millions of years old before they were found.

Diamonds were hugely revered in ancient India as they were believed to bring happiness, prosperity, and good health.


Why are they called diamonds?

The Greek word “Adamas” meaning unconquerable and indestructible is the root word of diamond. However it is also held that the  ancient Greeks believed that diamonds were tears from the Gods. The ancient Greeks believed the fire in the diamond was a symbol of the flame of love.

How perfect is that! So much romance in a simple brilliant stone. No wonder it id soften given as engagement ring. In fact almost 80% of brides to be receive a diamond ring! ” You can see the different diamond cuts here.

In England, in Tudor times, lovers would scratch romantic words on their sweethearts  windows  with the sharp points of their diamond rings. These rings then became known as known as “scribbling rings”.

Diamonds and their stories are woven into our history have been sought the world over and stolen many times. They have been given by famous lovers and even had famous stories penned about them  such as Fitzgerald’s ‘The Diamond as Big as the Ritz’ and in films like Diamonds are Forever.



The Star of Africa

Have you heard of the Star of Africa?

It is one of the most famous diamonds in the whole world and at 530.20 carats it  is the largest. It is set in the Royal Scepter and kept with the rest of the  Crown Jewels in the Tower of London.

You must try and see it, it is simply spectacular.


The Hope diamond

All sorts of mystical powers are associated with diamonds and the ironically named hope diamond is one that many people would refuse to wear!   It is thought to be part of the famous Blue Tavernier Diamond. The Blue Diamond was purchased by King Louis XIV but it was stolen during the French Revolution. A smaller diamond of similar colour was sold in l830 to Hope, an English banker.

 Well it was to bring all sorts of bad luck!

 Hope’s son lost  all his money and so the diamond was bought  by a Mrs. Edward McLean,  whose only child was them accidentally killed, she lose her fortune, the family split up and and then she committed suicide. When Harry Winston, the New York diamond merchant, bought the stone in l949, and his clients wouldn’t go near it. It is now on display at the Smithsonian Institute where it can do no harm! 

Diamonds are pretty interesting, aren’t they?


Diamonds today 

Luxury jewelry brands the world over stock diamonds, they are as in demand and on trend as ever and always a sign of wealth, class and of course romance.



David Rosas diamonds are simply stunning and set in all sorts of amazing jewellery. Why not grab your coffee and go take a browse.

Simply beautiful. 



The Importance of Diamonds is a collaborative post 





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