Home » The Many Benefits of a Garden Building for Work

The Many Benefits of a Garden Building for Work

According to a survey by finder.com, in September 2020, 60% of the United Kingdom’s adult population were working from home.

Many of these remote workers will do so on the dining room tables, bedrooms, kitchen, or an office somewhere on the property. What most people don’t know is that there has been a rise in popularity for garden offices. But what makes these types of offices an excellent option when working remotely? In this read from Quick-Garden.co.uk, we are going to delve further into the many benefits a garden office or shed office as some specialists like to call them, has to offer.


  1. Get to Enjoy the Freedom

When you work remotely, you will quickly find out that any rules prevalent in the workplace can be relaxed. You can wear casual clothes, take breaks whenever you wish and take lunch at any time you want. All these are almost impossible in a conventional office. A shed office gives you more control over your schedule, allowing for a higher level of freedom that would otherwise be unachievable.



The Many Benefits of a Garden Building for Work


  1. No More Lengthy Commutes

One of the best things about having a garden office is that it takes away the time that you would normally spend commuting. This means you can opt to start your work early and get more done, or get on time and have a more relaxing start to your day. You can even arrive late and extend the working hours late into the night. It all comes down to what works best for you.


  1. Get to Save Money

By eliminating the need to commute, you will also be saving money that would normally be spent on travel expenses like bus tickets or gas. You can then put this money towards other avenues of your life.


  1. It Still Puts a Boundary Between Your Work and Personal Life

Having the remote office a bit away from the rest of the house still separates your home life and work life. You will be in a better position to relax, unwind and catch up with your loved ones and friends indoors and be less tempted to check your work emails late in the night when the work computer is out in the shed.


  1. Get to Customize Your Space

When you decide to build an office in your yard, you have control over the design. Many builders are happy to provide custom designs for outdoor structures, built to your specifications. And once the construction is done, you will be able to decorate the space to your liking.

You can have the space as simple or as sophisticated as you need. You can paint the walls any color you desire, find spaces for indoor plants, and set up shelves with books or files. IT all boils down to your needs and tastes.


  1. Have the Space Ready in No Time

Many garden structures can be erected in a short period, particularly if they are made from timber or oak frames. In some situations, like when purchasing from companies that supply building kits, you can be entirely in charge of the installation. This means you can set your own deadline from the time the work has been signed off and delivered.


  1. Make the Most of Peace & Quiet

Workplaces can sometimes be crowded and noisy and do not always provide the quiet atmosphere you may need to focus and get more done. With a garden or shed office, however, you will be the only person around, allowing you to take advantage of the peaceful ambiance. You can even play music or any sound if you like to have some background noise and put it at the volume you’re most comfortable with.


  1. It is Eco-Friendly

When you eliminate commuting to and from work, you will be reducing your overall carbon footprint. That’s because choosing to work from home reduces the amount of pollution you contribute by driving or taking public transport to and from work. And if more people in your neighborhood implement the same idea, it can help minimize the number of vehicles on the road in general.


  1. Helps Boost Your Health & Wellbeing

According to research, having a separate workspace has a substantial influence on the lifestyle and wellbeing of an individual. For example, it may improve your sleep quality by getting you out of the bedroom. Studies show that working where you sleep makes the body and mind start associating that space with staying awake. As a result, you may end up having a hard time falling asleep.



  1. It is a More Professional Look

Having a garden office tends to be more impressive to customers, clients, and partners compared to sitting at a desk in the bedroom in the living room. A shed office makes you look more professional and ultimately turn into a more productive space.


  1. Add Value to Your Property

According to research, adding and maintaining an outdoor structure can add up to 5 percent of your property’s overall value. This is an important aspect to consider, especially if you have plans for selling your home.


  1. No Need for Planning Permission

It’s a relief for most people to learn that most garden structures, including home offices, don’t normally call for planning permission. There are situations where they will, like if your structure is over 15m2 in floor area and over 3 meters in height. However, you can easily avoid these when erecting your own structure.

To avoid the hassle and frustration that comes with applying for a permit, ensure you check the requirements against the specifications you’ve planned. This can be achieved by consulting your local planning agency. You can also consult an architect or a building contractor for the same.


The Many Benefits of a Garden Building for Work is a featured post


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