Do you live in a DIY friendly city?
I would say I do.
All my friends here in good old Nottingham seem to have embraced home renovations in a really big way since the Pandemic started. And, rather than hiring tradespeople most of them are getting down and dirty and giving DIY a go. And there are no shortage of homeware stores locally for them to get their supplies from. You Tube and even TikTok is packed with DIY tips and hacks and so generally more people these days feel the urge to give it a go.
But is your city more DIY than mine…and how wold we even begin to measure the most DIY friendly city in the UK?
The UK’s Most DIY friendly City, Revealed!
To figure out the top DIY city Hire Station did some research around the number of home decor shops and tradespeople in each city along with the online search volume for a range of DIY trends to reveal the most DIY city.
Here is a sneak peek of the results…
Are you surprised?
I thought London, being a pretty wealthy and busy place, that the people living there would outsource their DIY so I am surprised it came in at number one. But it is a style conscious and design led city so it was no surprise to me that people living there were super keen to have a lovely home.
I do wonder though what would have happened if Nottingham had been included on the list?
DIY and me
I have to be honest and tell you though that DIY is not my ‘thing’. I always worry I will break something or make something worse. My son is a dab hand at flatpacks and my daughter can mend things and sews well, their dad likes to try and fix things too so I guess we do follow the trend of being DIY-ers here (just not me.)
What about you? Is DIY something you enjoy or at the very least try your hand at?
The Most DIY Friendly City in the UK is a collaborative post – you might also like my post on how to dry line a wall