Home » The right time for love

The right time for love

Oh, it is always the right time for love in my opinion. I am a big sucker for romance and though I am long married I still absolutely love everything about falling in love.


The right time for love


New Year, new love – The right time for love

I am not suggesting that because it’s a new year it is time to change your partner! Nope. Just that with a new year inevitable thoughts of love are on people’s minds.

I always think that love is focussed on more in January and February, First, we have the flood of new year resolutions where singletons across the world resolve to find love as part of their mission for the coming year and then, of course, we have Valentine’s day. Swiftly followed by Spring when love is most definitely in the air.

My new year’s resolutions are centred this year around losing weight and getting fit, moving house and getting organised. Yes, the losing weight one is the same every single year without fail but I haven’t given up trying yet!

What did you resolve to improve this year – or do you avoid all of that?


Dating online 

I know lots of my single friends the first thing they did as New Year bells rang was sorted out their dating life!  There are so many free dating websites these days that do an excellent job of hooking people up.   There is such a buzz about online dating at this time of year and making sure you put the effort into your dating profile and photos can really pay off in the New Year when everyone is starting afresh. From dating sites in Australia right across to the UK January has seen tons of new updates and photos of people yearning for love.

Have you ever tried online dating?


My online profile


The right time for love



I hate to say it but it was all just a teeny, tiny bit before my time. I have to say I have friends who have HUGE success and one even ended up getting married to her online date so I do have faith these things work out.

I have pondered how I would describe myself online I think I would be very tame.

‘Over 40, bubbly but likes books and long walks.’

Do I sound dreadfully dull?

I do I know.

What would you put?

I would love to hear your stories if you have used a dating website. I think it is going to be a thing going forward for a good long time.

When it’s the right time for love, it is the right time for love – doesn’t matter what month of the year it is. Have you paid attention to your love life recently?




The right time for love is a collaborative post

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