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Three ways to child proof the home  


Today – Three ways to child proof the home  

The idea of intertwining home security with parenting may seem extremely far-fetched, but when we really sit down and consider the level of safety in the home, is it really? Having young children with a strong will and sense of adventure can be challenging at the best of times. During lockdown in the UK, we have seen shops shut their doors, schools and nurseries closing and everyday life coming to a grinding halt. Meaning, you might very well be in the same positions of millions of parents across the country.

With nurseries and pre-schools being closed for the past 4 months, having your children at home day in, day out has become the new norm for many. This may just have you pulling your hair out and not to worry – you are not alone!

So, with all this time at home with each other, there are bound to be added risks thanks to the boredom of being isolated. Home safety doesn’t always need to be on your mind when you have the ease of mind knowing your children are in a trusted environment. But with the current circumstances, now more than ever is it crucial to keep the home environment safe. How exactly can you ensure you are keeping our home safe, for you and your children?


Three ways to child proof the home


Three ways to child proof the home

Here’s a list of three fab ways you can childproof and secure the home!


  1. Secure your doors and windows!

Being a busy parent juggling all responsibilities can sometimes mean you can’t keep an eye on your kids round the clock. A fantastic way to childproof the home, is by securing your doors externally. This is a great way to ensure your child can’t wonder out the front door, likewise to strangers wondering in! Additionally, let’s not forget that windows are also an entry point, so be sure to sufficiently lock your windows! By doing so, you are not only keeping your home safe, but minimising the risk of your child being at risk. External doors can be easily secured with a mortice lock, which are an increasingly popular in the home. However, multipoint locks may equally be a popular way to secure your doors, working both externally and internally. With this in place, you’ll be able to keep a watchful eye on your children whilst getting on with some work, chores or relaxation (something quite rare as a parent!).


  1. Lock away harmful liquids

Whether it be laundry detergent, medication, bleach or even face wash, it doesn’t take a genius to work out that these are harmful to digest. Children, however, never fail to have a great exploratory sense of play, and simply love to pick up whatever they can get their hands on! Right now, you may have tucked away your harmful liquids at the highest point of the bathroom or kitchen. But this quick technique may not always be so efficient. A cheap and effective way to keep your harmful liquids out of way is to just install a cupboard lock! By adding a reliable lock onto cupboards or drawers that may contain these types of dangerous substances, you can be assured that there is no way that your child can come into contact with them.



  1. See what corners your children can walk into, and get rid of them

Corners can be an apparent challenge in the home, especially since they’re on literally everything! The most common mishap in the home is usually children bashing into the corners of walls, tables and even chairs. Corner guards are paving the way to diminishing the risk of corners in the home. Thanks to their ability to simply slide over or onto the corner, the corner guards can easily make the risk of bashing into a corner simply fade away! With a round finish, the corner guard can make to be an undeniable blessing. These are an ingenious way of allowing your little ones to roam free and stay free from little bumps and pains from the corners of your furniture.


Bio: Experts in locks and security solutions for the trade and public, Locks4.com is a leading online retailer supplying the world’s best ironmongery brands. Over 10,000 products are available for fast delivery ranging including mortice locks, multipoint locks, fireproof safes, and key cabinets. Visit our website for more details.



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