Home » Time for a Backup Plan – Preparing for Christmas in Lockdown

Time for a Backup Plan – Preparing for Christmas in Lockdown

Today we are going to look at preparing for Christmas in lockdown

Preparing for Christmas in Lockdown


Preparing for Christmas in Lockdown

The current lockdown in England is set to end on December 2nd. But what happens after that, isn’t certain. While we’d all love to think that by Christmas, we’ll be able to live normally (at least for a while) with only the basic social distancing restrictions, we just don’t know. We may return to a tiered system of local restrictions, which could mean that even if your area is free to visit other households, not all of your relatives can.

So, while you may still be making tentative plans to visit family over the holiday period, it’s a good idea to at least have a backup plan, in case this year is spent quietly with your household.

Whether you are one of the many people that’s actually looking forward to a quieter Christmas, or you are upset at the idea of not being able to be near the people that you love, there’s plenty that you can do to make the most of this opportunity.


Think About Postage

Most of your present shopping might be contained to your household. But, if you have family members whom you’d usually visit, or perhaps older relatives who might be spending the holidays alone, sending a care package can be a great idea.

But, with so many people unable, or unwilling to travel, there’s bound to be extra strain on the post office. Consider preparing your care boxes at the beginning of December and posting them out in plenty of time.

You might also want to think about the cost of postage. Instead of sending large, heavy gifts, send gift cards using sites like https://giftsvouchers.co.uk. Or, you can choose lighter presents like homemade chocolates and textiles. If you do want to send anything larger, consider having it shipped straight from the retailer, instead of having it delivered to you, only to repackage and post later on.


Preparing for Christmas in Lockdown


Send Christmas Cards

Not many of us are as good at sending Christmas cards as we used to be. Online messages have taken over somewhat. But, this year, when we can’t see people as much as we’d like, a Christmas card can be special. Send cards out to the people that you love, to let them know that you are thinking about them.


Plan Some Video Calls

On the other hand, technology is a useful tool. Many people will be having big Christmas dinners and gift opening sessions this year, even if it’s just their household. So, it can be a good idea to schedule your video calls, so that you aren’t interrupting anything, and everyone has the time to chat.


Preparing for Christmas in Lockdown

Treat Yourself

Why not have a different kind of Christmas? Instead of spending the day slaving in the kitchen, buy ready-made veg, and plenty of Christmassy snacks and treats. Why not indulge in a lazy Christmas? Spend the day in soft, festive pyjamas, enjoying your favourite movies and making the most of not having to please other people. This is your chance to enjoy Christmas your way.

Much of this year has been different, but different doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Look at the positives and enjoy your holidays in any way you can.

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