Home » It’s time to get healthy

It’s time to get healthy

Time to get healthy

I have been quite unexpectedly unwell this year and as a result have really piled on the pounds. Not just a few..quite a lot and it’s not making me feel good.

Being ill was a bit of a shock as I have always been so full of energy and life and being restricted to a more sedentary life has been difficult to adjust to. I have been bored and down at times and I have eaten cake and other rubbish to cheer myself up. Not a good idea at all.

time to get healthy


Time to get healthy

As I get older and into my forties I see more and more people experiencing significant health issues as I have, cancer, strokes, hip replacements and back operations. The world feels a little less steady and time a little more precious. People I now who have had health issues have generally recovered more easily if they were fit and well in the first place. Not always but good general health is most definitely a supporting factor to recovery.

Over at HBF health insurance there is a health and fitness community called Living Well which has a stock of great good for you recipes. I love my food and I cannot just eat crispbreads and lettuce. If I am gong to eat healthily I still need to eat well. Some of their recipes are absolutely mouth-watering.

I am going to try and drink a lot more water too (this post by Mrs MummyPenny has really inspired me)  as I have been depending on caffeine in coke and coffee to give me energy . I need to get my energy instead from nutritious food and I think cooking up some of these lovely recipes might help. I need to be strong and fit and well and that will them help ward of illness and aid recovery. You can’t help what happens to you but you can do your very best to be in good shape something does.

How and what we eat is an element of our health we can control and its time for me to get healthy and ditch the junk food.


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1 Comment

  1. Xuong Khop
    June 17, 2017 / 3:29 am

    I am going to try and drink a lot more water too ..hihi..Thank u…I’ll try it

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