Tips to prepare children for tests and exams – Tests and exams form a key part of education, and they’re something we all have to face. That said every parent wants to make sure their child is able to go into their exams as prepared as possible. From hiring private maths tutors to taking mock tests, here are some key tips for you to consider to help your child make the most of their pre-exam time.
1. Understand the exam
Before starting, make sure your child understands as much as possible about the form the exam will take. A great way to do this is by using former exam papers, otherwise known as “mocks”. Studying using free maths past papers for example will help give your child the understanding they need for not only the topics that are going to be covered, but the way the questions are worded and the specific ways they may need to answer questions. It’s better they encounter something they don’t understand ahead of time, rather than in the real exam.
2. Getting a revision schedule
The next key step is establishing a revision schedule. It’s better to start revision further in advance and revise for less time a day than to try and cram the revision all into one heavy week before the exam is due to start. It’s important to remember that not every child learns the same way or to the same level. Some children can sit for two hours and read over information until it’s absorbed, but some can’t. It’s important those that can’t are worked with to establish a way of learning that does work for them, such as games, quizzes, and interactivity.
3. Managing stress levels
This is an often-forgotten aspect of pre-exam preparation. Children are under a lot of pressure to succeed and to do as well as possible, and it’s important not to fuel this. A child that is overly stressed and worried about their exams can suffer from further mental health issues like depression and anxiety. While you must acknowledge that these exams should be taken seriously, do not frame them as being the end of the world. Similarly remember to encourage regular breaks in the above-mentioned revision schedule to prevent burnout from occurring.
Be a positive influence throughout
Helping a young person to navigate the difficult waters of upcoming exams and tests isn’t easy, but with these three simple tips it’s doable for all parents. Remember that communication is key, as with every element of your child’s development. Discuss with your child the nature of their upcoming exams, what they contain, why they are important, and what you can do to help. Remember to keep your child aware of the fact that they’re not going through this alone.
A great support network can be pivotal in allowing someone to achieve their true potential when taking exams. Discuss their future options and determine what grades are necessary to make them a reality, and use those as your practical goals to achieve success.
Tips to prepare children for tests and exams is a feature post