Whenever you decide to build a new house, you should always aim to have an end product that will help you save a lot of bucks in the future. Ensure the materials you choose to use in the construction process are at the forefront to preserve the environment by promoting green technology. Still unsure where to lay your first cornerstone?
Eco-friendly Qualities To Look For in Building Your Home
Here are the top eco-friendly qualities to look for when building your desired home. Read on!
Go for Efficient Faucet Fixtures
A report from the World Health Organization stated that globally 1 in 3 people are faced with severe water scarcity. Moreover, accessing clean domestic water is becoming difficult daily. As a new developer, you can salvage yourself from the water issue and create an eco-friendly home by ensuring you are minimizing your water usage to only the amount required. This is where materials market comes in to provide developers with quality materials at competitive rates.
There are several ways you can alleviate your water usage, including installing efficient kitchen and bath faucets to preserve the environment. A good example is using electronic faucets to regulate water usage, allowing it to run only when needed. This prevents wastage of water while fostering conservation of excess water.
Statistics from EPA.gov show that leaks leading to water wastage in American households approximate 180 gallons per week or 9,400 gallons of water yearly. As such, fixing these leaks could save families 10-15% of their water bill. By installing water-efficient fixtures when building, you will have avoided leaks and reduced your overall water usage.
Go for Dual-Flush Toilets
You can further cut down on your water consumption by fitting in a dual-flush toilet. These toilets are customized to provide two flushing options. One usually comprises liquid water, approximately 0.8 gallons per flush, and the other for solid waste with a carrying capacity of 1.6 gallons per flush. Installing these toilets in your cloakrooms can reduce your toilet water consumption by up to 80%.
Installation of Effective Duct systems
Are you looking to cut down on your heating and cooling costs for your new home? Efficient duct systems can save you on this. Energystar.gov reports that 20% of the air flowing through duct systems in American homes is lost due to poor connections or leaks. This may pose a hazard to you and your family while doubling or tripling up your energy costs. During the installation process of the duct systems in your new home, ensure they are properly sealed and installed by licensed experts.
Consider Installing Efficient Lighting Fixtures
The lighting fixture style you choose for your home during the construction process will determine your long-term energy usage. Being in the eco-friendly construction industry for a long, we recommend installing EnergyStar certified lightbulbs and fixtures. EnergyStar.gov reports that these bulbs use approximately 90% less energy than conventional bulbs and serve you up to 30 times longer. This leads to saving up to $140 throughout the bulb’s life cycle.
Even though installing efficient light fixtures is among the several energy solutions to your new home, you can also consider using natural lighting systems to your benefit. Using natural lighting systems such as sky lighting design will save you on the cost of purchasing extra bulbs while increasing your home’s aesthetics.
Install Quality Doors and Windows
Among the significant problems with poorly sealed doors and windows is facilitating airflow in and out of the house. This causes the heating and cooling systems to double their work rate in ensuring the house maintains a steady temperature. With erratic temperatures, it leads to wasting energy resulting to high energy bills.
We recommend installing EnergyStar certified windows, which could save between $125-$470 annually to replace individual pane windows. When building your house, ensure you seek the opinion of experts on door selection. Get at least 3-4 quotes and carefully review them with your engineer before making a purchasing decision.
Utilize Recycled Materials
Considering the materials, you will be using during the construction process will determine how eco-friendly your home will be. A thumb rule is to use recycled products or repurpose old materials. Examples of such materials include:
- Composite decking: Originating from recycled wood and paper waste.
- Carpets: You can install carpets from salvaged plastic bottles
- Roofing: Install rubber roofing from reused products
- Countertops: You install countertops from recycled tree pulp from controlled forests
When planning for new construction, ensure you utilize these eco-friendly choices to help you get an end product that will preserve the environment. Contact Material Market for all your material needs for a speedy delivery.