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Transforming a room with art from Posterlounge


Today – Transforming a room with art from Posterlounge

Posterlounge, is an online art publishing house based in Leipzig, Germany. They are an online shop for high-quality wall pictures and their art is fabulous. I am so excited to share with you my favourite pictures from their collection and to show you my picks.


Transforming a room with art from Posterlounge

First though I am going to show you the pieces I picked for my children’s rooms and how their room transformations have been planned around the pieces.


The Tall Flamingo

Art is such a brilliant way to transform a room. I chose a striking piece of art for my daughter which I choose to be entirely framed in glass. I love the message it has given her and it will play a key part in her room update from little girl to tween. The poster costs £10.90 and to have it framed in acrylic glass costs £37.90.



My daughter bedroom is in the process of being redesigned and we have been deciding together what she would like in there. Here is our plan so far with maximum input from my daughter. The flamingo picture was our starting point.

I am loving her colours, white, purple and dusky pink will be fresh and pretty whilst subtle too . Just a white bookcase, a chest of drawers and a few plants and it would be complete.
This quirky motivational poster is great fun (and stylish too.)
 For now we have popped it upon her colourful bookcase so she can see it every single time she walks in her room. Doesn’t it look fantastic?
  Transforming a room with art from Posterlounge


Transforming a room with art from Posterlounge – Vintage Star  Wars

For my son I just had to choose this fabulous vintage star wars poster


 Transforming a room with art from Posterlounge


The 50 by 70 cm poster is just £13.90 and I think it’s great. Building a room around this for my son, who will be a teenager this year, was pure pleasure.
The poster really inspired my colour choices. Did he like my vision? He did indeed – I was shocked!

The poster encouraged both colour choice and style.

Posterlounge sell such a fabulous, extensive and inexpensive range. My posters arrived packaged brilliantly and I loved my framing choices.


 My pick?

 For myself I would have picked these pop art ducks. They are so colourful and just perfect for a cheerful bathroom.


Transforming a room with art from Posterlounge


At Posterlounge you can search by theme, artist even by room and the range is vibrant  and interesting. A wonderful store. I have been telling everyone!
























  1. January 27, 2017 / 11:56 am

    Great choices for kids rooms-something they can grow with too 🙂

  2. cate
    January 24, 2017 / 8:16 am

    Looks like a great store, off to have a browse!

  3. January 23, 2017 / 2:09 pm

    Ahh I love your choices and that flamingo print is really fabulous! Looking forward to seeing their rooms come to life – my other half would probably love the Star Wars print for himself 😉 xx

  4. January 23, 2017 / 1:46 pm

    A lovely choice. I’d actually like it in my own bedroom! x

  5. January 23, 2017 / 12:12 pm

    I love the flamingo print! How exciting for your daughter to being doing a room makeover, hope she likes the finished room.

  6. Oldfashionedsusie
    January 23, 2017 / 11:52 am

    Love that Star Wars print- my eldest would go mad over it!

  7. Antonia Ludden #tidylife
    January 23, 2017 / 11:36 am

    I love that Flamingo, Becky! And my boys would love the Star Wars print. Great mood boards too – the orange touches look so good.

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