Today – Transforming your bedroom for the summer
Transforming your bedroom for the summer – top tips
I absolutely love transforming my bedroom for summer, it definitely makes me hopeful that the sunny days are on their way! Making small changes which can influence heat and light, can help with improving sleep quality, which as we all know, is the key to ensuring good health and wellbeing.
I do think you only need to make the smallest of changes to make a bedroom summer ready, and here are just some of the things I like to change to help my bedroom feel fresher and lighter when the summer months come rolling in.
One of the easiest ways to refresh your bedroom for summer is to change your curtain fabric. Heavy cotton or velvet curtains which are ideal for the cooler months, can come down and give way to lighter fabrics which are perfect for summer. Curtains really frame a room and it is so important to get them right and adjusted for the season.
There are currently some really lovely Voile curtains for sale at Terrys Fabrics which are perfect for letting in light and breeze during the warmer months. I love that I can have the window open and seem them fluttering away in the summer breeze. Voile is the perfect fabric to pair with a blind, so you can still achieve darkness in the evening, but let in light and retain privacy during the day.
Transforming your bedroom for the summer by De-wintering
Up come the cosy rugs and away go the blankets as spring gives way to summer. Getting rid of heavier fabrics from your bedroom is a simple way to make your room look so much fresher and lighter. What can be cosy in winter may seem heavy and overbearing in summer, so now is the perfect time to get them all packed away.
Duvet days
Personally, I still love a duvet, even in the summer months, but I will change my heavier winter duvet for a lighter weighted one. Summer is also the perfect time to change the colours and fabrics of your duvet cover set, to brighter and lighter prints. Personally, I love a white duvet cover or a really lightly patterned floral one, and you can’t go wrong with beautiful pastel sets!
Transforming your bedroom for the summer – Scent
Scents from candles or diffusers are the perfect way to bring summer indoors. For winter months I usually use sandalwood and jasmine but once summer arrives I replace these with the smell of freesia and rose. A perfectly refreshing combination which helps to bring the outdoors in.
Clearing surfaces decluttering totally gives my bedroom the perfect summer vibe and makes it an enjoyable place to be. Tidying up costs absolutely nothing yet it is one of the biggest transformations you can make to your room. Remember if the object doesn’t bring you joy, then get rid of it!
Ah, how I love a fresh bunch of flowers in my bedroom. From daffodils to roses they create such a delightful display and they always make a room a happy place to be. A cheap and cheerful bunch are just the ticket!
There are plenty of ways to get your bedroom summer ready – these are my plans…do you have any?
Transforming your bedroom for the summer is a collaborative post – you might also like my post on TV beds
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