Home » Ways to prepare your home for your later years

Ways to prepare your home for your later years

Today – Ways to prepare your home for your later years

My passion for design is not purely aesthetic. Creative designs that meet peoples practical and personal needs really make me happy.

Do you ever think about getting older?


Today – Ways to prepare your home for your later years

Increasingly it has been on my mind as older relatives adapt their housing to meet their needs, contemplate warden aided flats or nursing care and generally have to be more mindful of their living environment,

I think it is important to consider the needs of your older age in terms of housing before you get there – preparation is key.

I know we are all different but I do really want to be sure that I can stay living in my own home as long as possible. I am rather fiercely private and independent and I do really think that I would just hate communal living. The thought of going into  a residential home of some kind  makes me feel quite sad. and a little claustrophobic I know sometimes it is an inevitability but I would like to delay that possibility as long as possible.

I know we cannot always control our health or our family circumstances but there are elements of our later life we really can control

I think their are many things you can do to enable your home to work for you in your later years by thinking ahead and adapting your home to your potential needs.



Buying a bungalow before you need one is really smart. Stairs cause so many issues for older, infirm people who have limited mobility. All sorts of expensive and unattractive design adaptations can be avoided simply by moving to a bungalow in the first place. An early move means that you can absolutely make this your home before you are unable to do much to it. It isn’t just about walking upstairs to go to bed either is it?  climbing stairs with a vacuum cleaner or to use the bathroom can cause unnecessary strain and potential risks.



Grab rails around the house, lower light switches, a pathway up to the house rather than steps are all  adjustments that can help prevent falls one of the biggest potential problem of later life. Getting these in place will mean your home works for you rather than against you  and they needn’t be unattractibe or obtrusive in any way just subtle aids to keep your home and yoursafer,


Walk-in baths

Adapting your bathroom to one that suits your needs is a really good move. Slippy baths, water, the clambering in and out all make bath time pretty risky and falls are just so hard to recover from when you are older. Investing in a  walk-in bath can save so many worries. It is a much safer option that still enables you independence and privacy of bathing alone and in your own home. Bathing is such a lovely lucury isn’t it? and such a great way to sooth weary limbs it would be such  a shame to lose the capacity to do this because you didn’t have the right tub.


Our homes should work for us no matter what our age or stage in life and it is important to consider this before not after it really matters.


Today – Ways to prepare your home for your later years is a collaborative post





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