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What Is The Whole 30 Diet?

What Is The Whole 30 Diet?

What Is The Whole 30 Diet, The Whole 30 Diet, Becky Goddard-Hill


Diet is often the main thing we want to change about our lives in the run up to summer, and it can be very difficult to make changes to your diet which stick. There are a ridiculous number of fad diets and juice cleanses out there in the world which simply don’t work for most people, however today we are going to talk about a program which can be incredibly beneficial to anyone.


What Is The Whole 30 Diet?

The whole 30 diet is like a detox for your body, in the same way as rehab like this https://www.rehabclinic.org.uk/treatment/drug-rehab/ is for drugs or alcohol problems. Whole 30 is a 30 day program which simply asks you to eliminate certain foods from your diet and let your body detox from these products. It is not a diet, it is a way to reset the body and allow you to be the healthiest you can be.


What is the whole 30 diet trying to help?

This diet can be particularly helpful for anyone who suffers with irritable bowel syndrome or simply has digestive issues, as it will eliminate most fodmap foods. It is worth a try for a few weeks of the year and can be a way you reset your body a couple of times in the year.

Here are some of the foods which you cannot eat during the whole30 program, the full list can be found on their website: https://whole30.com/whole30-program-rules/


What Is The Whole 30 Diet about?

First of all, the foods which you will be mostly living off during this month program are meats like beef, chicken, pork and fish- alongside fresh product such as fruit and vegetables. The program is all about eating natural foods and ones which are easy for the stomach to digest.

Some of the foods you will need to avoid during this program include:


Wheat products- bread, pasta, orzo

Grains- rice, quinoa, buckwheat, lentils

Legumes– black beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, peas etc…

Dairy products- cheese, milk, yogurt

Drinks- soft drinks, alcohol

Addictive and certain chemicals


Is the whole 30 diet restrictive?

Although this diet might sound like it is incredibly restrictive there are plenty of amazing recipes you can make which are whole30 compliant. You can make steak, roast dinners, stir fry, curry, salads and loads more. It is about cutting out the bad stuff as much as physically possible and letting your body simply enjoy the most natural foods it can during this time.

Many people have seen some great results with this diet and it can help you lose anything up to 10 pounds during the month you are in this plan. It is a great way to find new recipes and be more adventurous with foods too as you will need to learn how to create new combinations which fit with the regime.


what is the whole 30 diet?


How will you feel after the whole 30 diet?

You will come out of this diet feeling refreshed, energised and your body will be cleansed and ready for the summer time. It is the ideal diet for anyone who needs a detox and wants to cut certain foods out for digestive reasons.




What Is The Whole 30 Diet? is a feature post – you might also like my posts on time to get healthy and my gousto box review

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