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What You Should Know About Discoloration of Teeth

Today – What You Should Know About Discoloration of Teeth

Let’s take a look at what you should know about discoloration of teeth

Most people face dental problems at least once in their lifetime. This ranges from mild sensitivity that can be easily fixed by specialized toothpaste and over the counter medication to a severe toothache that requires extraction.

An individual’s lifestyle can greatly contribute to these problems. For instance, failing to brush your teeth regularly can lead to discoloration.

Thankfully, with modern advancements in the medical sector, most of these problems can be reversed or at least managed to enable the patient to continue living normally.


What You Should Know About Discoloration of Teeth

Here are more details about the topic. You can also refer to this link for more information TrySnow.com.


What is teeth discoloration?

As the name suggests, it is a change of the normal color of the teeth. The resultant color can be anything but white depending on the actual cause. This can either be intrinsic, extrinsic, or age-related.

Intrinsic refers to that found from within the tooth while extrinsic is as a result of external agents on it. The latter is thus easier to reverse than the former since it occurs on the outside making it easy to clean.

It is mainly caused by what we ingest such as food and tobacco. Intrinsic on the other hand can be caused by injuries, decay, and excessive fluoride.

Age-related is a result of worn-out enamel that occurs over time thus leaving behind the yellowish appearance. This can also be caused by a deficiency in calcium which is a nutrient responsible for the development of strong enamel.


What are the causes?


There are a lot of agents that cause teeth discoloration. Some of them such as foodstuffs that we take can be easily controlled while others like injuries, genetics, and age are more complicated. Here are some of the most common causes.


  • Foodstuffs

There are certain kinds of foodstuffs that are prone to sticking on the teeth thus staining them. Examples include nuts, red wine, and sauce.

The stains build up to form a brown sticky substance known as plaque that later on results in decay if not cleaned. Bacteria also feed on sugary foods and in turn excrete acidic substances that corrode the enamel.

It is recommended that you brush after every meal or at least twice a day. This will remove the stains and any other food particles that have been left behind.


  • Injuries

An injury can cause damage to the nerve fibers and blood vessels that supply the tooth with the necessary nutrients and allow exchange processes to take place.  

This interference deteriorates its health and can render it useless if it fails to heal. The result is that the affected area changes color.

Such injuries can either be taken care of by using certain prescribed medications or undergoing dental surgery. However, if the injury has damaged the tooth structure, you may need to check out these dentures in Sacramento or get dental implants instead. 


  • Environmental factors

Different areas have different concentrations of mineral salts than others. For instance, some areas have a lot of fluoride than others. This high concentration especially in water used for drinking discolors the teeth with time.

Most people who have lived in such areas for a long time will have brownish teeth. A high concentration of fluoride in some brands of toothpaste can also have the same effect.


  • Genetics

Genes vary from one person to another. This is responsible for the diversity in terms of an individual’s traits.

Consequently, parts such as enamel are also genetically influenced. Some people have thick and white enamel that is resistant to wear while others have thin ones that are more susceptible to wear hence discoloration.

This is usually not a big issue for most people but one can always have it altered through genetic modifications.


  • Drugs and medications

One of the characteristics of those who abuse drugs such as tobacco is badly discolored teeth.

This is brought about by tar which is a substance found in it. It is sticky and hard to clean thus builds up with time and ends up changing the color. Initially, it is brown but as time proceeds the color turns blackish.

Children whose teeth are still developing have been found to be affected by medications such as tetracycline. Mouthwash products containing Chlorhexidine also have the same effect.


  • Diseases

Those that affect the enamel eventually result in a color change. A good example is tooth decay as a result of the build-up of plaque. Corrosion also wears down the enamel to expose the dentine which is yellowish.


How can it be prevented or treated?


  • Maintain good oral hygiene

Observing simple practices such as regular brushing and flossing can go a long way in preventing dental problems such as this.

As much as it is good to use products like toothpaste and mouthwash you should be careful with them.

Only go for the ones recommended by dentists that will not cause you more problems. Avoid over-brushing as this too can wear off the enamel with time.


  • Regulate your diet

Too much sugar is not only bad for your teeth but also for your health in general. You should thus control your intake of such foods to be on the safe side.

It is also better to avoid taking those that stain your teeth just before you go to bed. Brushing and flossing might not be able to remove all the stains completely. Ensure that you get adequate calcium to strengthen your enamel.


  • Change bad behaviors

Habits such as smoking are harmful to your health and you should consider quitting or at least cutting down on it. There are various rehabilitation centers that can help you with this.


This should be done at least twice a year. A dentist can help treat or manage discoloration. You can opt for techniques such as whitening.


What You Should Know About Discoloration of Teeth

How to choose a good dentist

To get the right one you have to take into account certain factors. Here are some of the things that you should consider.


  • Qualification

It is important that you only deal with a qualified dentist who has the technical know-how and is certified by the law to be operational. This ensures that you get good quality services and also reduces the chances of something going wrong.


  • Reputation

Go for a dentist with a good reputation who you can rely on to render services effectively. Read the reviews left behind on their website by other patients and also ask to see their previous works if possible. The information you acquire will help you gauge how good they are and know what to expect.


  • Level of experience

It is one thing to be qualified and another to be experienced. The more experienced a practitioner is the better they are suited for tackling versatile cases. Mastery of practical skills can only be achieved through lots of practice.


  • Services

Make sure that the services being provided include those that suit discoloration. For example, if you are in need of whitening then it should be on the list. If you need dental implants then go for those who provide specialized services like cosmetic dentists. For children, it is better that you take them to pediatricians. 


  • Insurance

Depending on the policies of the firm your health insurance can chip in and help cut down on the total cost of the treatment. Therefore you should inquire whether the clinic allows this before you decide to get the treatment. Click here to see the four types of insurance you might need.#

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Conclusion of What You Should Know About Discoloration of Teeth

Teeth discoloration is a problem that has lots of causes some being natural and out of our control while others are controllable. One of the easiest ways to prevent it is by observing good oral hygiene. Regular brushing after meals is one such way to do so. It is also recommended that you visit the dentist for checkups. This can help stop the problem before it gets out of hand. Use the tips above to be able to choose the right dentist for you. You can also try some of the whitening products sold over the counter for mild cases.


What You Should Know About Discoloration of Teeth is a feature post



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