How to Achieve Milestones Later in Life.
MoneyPlus recently wrote a great article about people reaching milestones later in life and it got me to thinking about my own life and the milestones I have reached later (or am still to reach.)
The article over at MoneyPlus looked at areas such as the age people move out of their parents’ homes, buy their first property, and become grandparents. The article also explores how these delays are due to rising housing costs, the burden of student loans, and the need for older workers to save for retirement. It is a fascinating read and shows how money impacts al lot of our potential to reach our goals.
My later milestones – How to Achieve Milestones Later in Life
It’s normal to feel pressured to reach significant life milestones by a certain age but it is not always possible, and actually it is not always l necessary.
Let me share some of my experiences with you.
When I was first married, aged 25, my husband and I had no choice but to live with my parents for a year whilst we saved up a deposit to rent a house. I remain forever grateful they giae us this time and we avoided going into debt as a result. They lived in tiny 2 up 2 down terrace so it was very gracious and generous of them to host us.
I also just published my first ever fiction novel this past week despite it being a dream since I was a child. It felt so sweet and I am so proud, I do not mind that it took till my fifties! Why did it take so long? Well it took a huge amount of unpaid time and with having kids and a full on job it has taken till this ’empty nest’ phase of my life to get that time. It may be a late achived milestone but I am still enjoying every moment of it though!
My own milestone in relation to owning my own house is till to be met. I divorced last year and am currently renting. At the grand old age of 52 I am looking to get my first mortgage on my own and it is hard. Getting a mortgage on one wage especially when you are self employed is tricky and having enough for a deposit is a big ask – but I will get there!
As MoneyPlus say ‘Achieving .. milestones requires careful financial planning and often relies on the support of family and friends.’ I would agree wholeheartedly with this and whether young or old support and financial education play a big part.
Are there any milestones you would still like to meet?