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What will a bedroom look like in the future?

What will a bedroom look like in the future?

Betta Living  ( the  fitted bedroom specialists) have been working with a  technology expert to created a bedroom for the future.

It may look bizarre and out there but I remember when there were only 3 channels on TV and the video recorder and CD player were just talked about  rather than seen! Things happen fast in the world of technology! Remember queuing with your 10p for the phone box!


What will a bedroom look like in the future?

There are so many features in Betta livings bedroom of the future but let me tell you about a few of them becuiase they are just fabulous.

The disappearing bed

Foldaway beds have been around for years but how about storing the bed in the ceiling rather than a wall. At the touch of a button, the bed could zoom on up into a spot lit surround, and then it’s gone.  How cool and space saving would that be!

No more cleaning

The iRobot Roomba 880 can be scheduled  to vacuum whenever you want it to..it’s like booking a cleaner and not paying! It is super efficient you don’t ‘t have to do anything and it recharges itself. (I NEED this in my life!)

A personal stylist on hand

How about this though – a virtual mirror that shows you what your clothes will look like on you without them ever leaving the wardrobe. It would even suggest accessories form your collection and adjust its recommendations depending on the days weather. How fabulous would that be.

On top of these there are apps and technologies to control your lighting, and heating and even how warm your bedside drink is, a gym in a boz, windows with changing landscapes

The bedroom of the future sounds absolutely ace!

So do you want to win it?

I have to tell you about Betta Living’s amazing bedroom Gadget Giveaway on Facebook too, the total prize value is over £1500!

It includes an iRobot vacuum, Tivoli radio alarm clock, iMakr 3D mini-you model, Gym in a box, SAD Light, Lightwave RF products – you really could have your own bedroom of the future!

Go to https://www.facebook.com/bettaliving to enter.


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