Home » Beautiful Things by Karin Joyce

Beautiful Things by Karin Joyce

Karin Joyce is a wife to a patient Englishman, mum to Ella (6) and Sam (2 1/2) and blogger & social media addict. 5 years ago she created Cafe Bebe to fill the void as her maternity leave ended and stay-at-home-mumhood began. Cafe Bebe quickly became more than just a hobby and led to other roles in social media for Karin including being the social media manager for BritMums.


Recently Karin began a new site called Embrace Happy where she helps to show others the good side to life. Not every day is good but there is good in every day. You can find Karin on social media and her blogs in between tending the home fires and thinking up new and exciting adventures!

What I adore about Karin is her positivity and the fact she has motivated so many people to appreciate the lives they have. She’s a wonder and has made so many people’s lives happier.

Here Karin shares her most beautiful things.

The most beautiful day I ever had ……I would love to say, the birth of my children but both experiences were quite traumatic. Instead I shall walk back in time to my wedding day, 8 years ago. March 18, 2006 was a bitterly cold day but I don’t remember feeling the cold at all. I was surrounded by my friends and family, most of whom had come miles and miles from America and Europe. I’ve never felt such love and warmth. It truly was the most special and beautiful days of my life.

The most beautiful thing I have ever seen  …On our first visit back to America with Ella, then 6 months, on our last day before heading back to England, my Dad was rocking Ella to sleep. She was snuggled on his shoulder, lulled to sleep by his humming and rocking. I had never seen such a perfect and bittersweet moment. I knew it would be months if not more until “Grandpa” got to hold his first granddaughter again so I took a picture. It is still one of my favourite pictures.


The most beautiful thing I have ever owned … my dog Sinjin. I was there the day Sinjin was born and held him until he took his last laboured breath. Sinjin was my faithful companion for nearly 15 years. He crossed an ocean to be with us and always loved us unconditionally. I miss him terribly even after nearly 4 years.


The most beautiful song I have ever heard ….. For You sung by Eva Cassidy. I heard this song for the first time in America as cool down music in a fitness class. It had such a haunting quality to it. Later I found out that Eva Cassidy had died in her 30’s of melanoma before achieving much fame. It became a very special song to me for another reason entirely when we brought Ella home for the first time. As we sat in Ella’s nursery, Mark holding his baby girl and sitting in the rocking chair, I put the iPod in the speaker and pressed shuffle. The first song that came through was “For You” by Eva Cassidy. How utterly perfect!

The most beautiful person I know is…..my daughter Ella. Ella is a gorgeous little thing with a heart of gold. She will defend me to anyone and is very protective of me. Ella loves to please, is competitive and passionate and gives amazing hugs. At age 6 she still needs Mummy’s cuddles and I am eternally grateful for that.


The most beautiful thing about me is……my complete change to embrace happy. In the past I was a very negative person. I always saw the glass half empty and now, I’m just happy there is a glass! I love helping others to find the good in every day and I am so grateful that I was finally able to fully let the sunshine in to my life.




 If you would like to share your ‘beautiful things’ then do email me for a questionnaire at Becky.Goddard@ntlworld.com with BEAUTIFUL in the subject matter.


  1. July 15, 2014 / 3:25 pm

    What a lovely post Karin and that photo of Ella is just beautiful.

    You’ve inspired me with Embrace Happy although I lost my focus a little bit with it which is a shame – must do something about that!

    Thank you x x x

  2. Carolin
    July 14, 2014 / 7:45 pm

    Oh that photo of Ella and her grandad had me in tears. I know exactly what you mean. This was a wonderful post to read and just underlines what I already think of you, Karin. You’re a wonderful person!

    • Karin Joyce
      July 14, 2014 / 11:24 pm

      As you well know, family who are far away is the hardest part when little ones are involved. Thank goodness for technology! And thank you for your delightful comments! Much live to you!

      Karin xx

  3. July 14, 2014 / 6:55 pm

    simply beautiful and such treasured thoughts.

    • Karin Joyce
      July 14, 2014 / 11:22 pm

      Thank you Emma!

      Karin xx

  4. July 14, 2014 / 4:31 pm

    This is a fabulous post. Karin is such an inspiration reminding us to all see the positives.

    • Karin Joyce
      July 14, 2014 / 11:22 pm

      Thank you Liz! Finding the good in every day has made every day far brighter for me!

      Karin xx

  5. Penny A Residence
    July 14, 2014 / 1:46 pm

    Lovely read Karin. I think those little moments with distant relatives and little ones can be worth a million day to day cuddles, especially if you capture them like this!

    • Karin Joyce
      July 14, 2014 / 2:00 pm

      Thank you Penny!! You’re so sweet to comment on my post!

  6. July 14, 2014 / 1:31 pm

    Karin is one of my favourite bloggers in the whole wide world. Here’s to Embracing Happy!

    • Karin Joyce
      July 14, 2014 / 1:59 pm

      Aw, Susanna,
      How very wonderful and kind of you to say! Thank you!

  7. Actually Mummy...
    July 14, 2014 / 9:19 am

    What a gorgeous picture of Ella! No wonder you’re able to see the positive with beautiful children and family in your life. Things are hard sometimes, and it’s easy to slip into the habit of fretting about things that go wrong, but your embrace happy ethos is so much easier to live with once you’re in the habit of it. I think age helps too – I’ve really started to take the smaller things in my stride as I get older 🙂

    • Karin Joyce
      July 14, 2014 / 1:58 pm

      Age definitely helps!! And I am very lucky and grateful to have such amazing people in my life which is why I decided to wake up and appreciate the life I have. Thanks for your support on Becky’s blog!

  8. July 14, 2014 / 9:08 am

    What a fantastic post Karin – I love your embrace happy ideas. Anything that encourages positivity has to be good! 🙂

    • Karin Joyce
      July 14, 2014 / 1:56 pm

      Thank you! It was wonderful to meet you at BritMums Live. I really appreciate your support here on Becky’s Beautiful Space!

  9. Kanchan@ The Intrepid Misadventurer
    July 14, 2014 / 9:01 am

    How lovely to know these things about you, Karin! There’s so much I nodded along to…the loss of a dog-I totally get that one because I always say my firstborn was our dachshund Jazz who we had before the children and lost to circumstance…Eva Cassidy’s For you, to which I made the first video of my children. And the American connection…
    Loved reading this, it’s my favourite section on your blog Becky 🙂 x

    • Karin Joyce
      July 14, 2014 / 1:55 pm

      A kindred spirit Kanchan!! Lovely to “meet” you!

  10. sonya cisco
    July 14, 2014 / 8:48 am

    Lovely post, and I adore the sentiments of Embrace Happy, am yet to join in but seeing other peoples entries pop up in my facebook feed always raises a smile and causes me to consider mt choices even if I dont write them down.

    • Karin Joyce
      July 14, 2014 / 1:54 pm

      Hi Sonya,
      I’m so pleased to hear that you’re working on your own Happy! Do join in on Embrace Happy when you need inspiration!

  11. Mary Keynko
    July 14, 2014 / 8:32 am

    This is so lovely! This is an amazing series of posts and I’m glad it’s got to the very lovely Karin – she is a truly beautiful person!

    • Karin Joyce
      July 14, 2014 / 1:52 pm

      Thank you Mary! You are so kind!!

  12. Mari
    July 14, 2014 / 6:33 am

    I love Karin’s first. Sinjin, Eva’s song and her beautiful daughter. I’ve watched the birth of Embrace Happy and it’s wonderful to see so many people taking part.
    I have my Beautifuls ready for you Becky, just need to find an image and I’ll whizz them over x

    • Karin Joyce
      July 14, 2014 / 1:51 pm

      Aw, lovely Mari! You helped me find the guts to set Embrace Happy on its course! Thank you for your support!

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