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3 Tips On How To Make The Perfect Conservatory

Today – How To Make The Perfect Conservatory.

Conservatories are an excellent addition to almost any home, they blend together the best parts of a living room and your garden together to make a perfect, relaxing space for you to take a load off and have a nice cup of tea, read a book or just simply relax.


How To Make The Perfect Conservatory


How To Make The Perfect Conservatory

But of course an empty conservatory isn’t very relaxing if it’s just an empty room with no decorations, so today we’ll look at some awesome ways to bring your conservatory to life and create your perfect relaxation space that’s in touch with the world around you.


The Perfect Conservatory

The perfect conservatory would of course have flowers.



Conservatory Blinds

What makes the conservatory so relaxing can be a double edged sword, having a room made of windows is nice and idyllic until the Sun decides to blast rays of light at your face, so having conservatory blinds on each panel in your conservatory will help you avoid sun in your eyes.

Pleated conservatory blinds are perfect as they fit in the window panel and can be slid up and down, allowing you to block out light from some areas, but have the view open in the areas you want to be looking at.

You’ll want to make sure that the colour of blinds you choose will match up well with the colour scheme of the room.





Furniture To Make The Perfect Conservatory

Do you enjoy sitting on the floor? If you answered no, you’re going to need some furniture for your conservatory. Afterall a room is no good for relaxing in, if there’s no where to relax.

When it comes to furniture for your seating, a normal small sofa or garden sofa is a perfect choice, you’ll want something big enough for you and a friend to sit, but small enough to move into the conservatory, simple garden chairs or armchairs will also do the trick, just make sure whatever seating you get matches the colour scheme and is easy to move.

Again you’ll probably want somewhere to put your feet up and keep your coffee, so you’ll want coffee table or a conservatory table.

For these again make sure they fit with the scheme of the room and are easy enough to move in and out of your conservatory.


The Perfect Conservatory


Personal Touches To Make The Perfect Conservatory

So, your conservatory is furnished, but it feels like it needs a bit more personality to really be your space, so it’s time to add in the final little flourishes to your new conservatory. So here’s a few things we’d recommend to add to your conservatory.

Shelving: At the moment the only thing you can display your personal items on in your conservatory is your coffee table, so if you want to show off your personality with trinkets, photos and other items, you’ll need to put up shelving units.

Mirrors: Conservatories are great for natural light, so having a nice mirror will help enhance that natural light and help keep the room bright, as well as make the room feel bigger than it is, to make the conservatory feel spacious.

Potted Plants: As your conservatory is essentially an extension of your back garden, why not have a few potted plants dotted around your conservatory., this will add some nice colour to the conservatory and make things feel a lot more natural.

Lights: For pererfect conservatory lights do check out my post on lighting trends in 2022




How To Make The Perfect Conservatory is a feature post


Further reading

I do hope you have enjoy this post on the benefits of a modern conservatory. You might also like my post on Victorian Conservatories

 and how to make a perfect conservatory

 and how to transform an old conservatory

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