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How many employees choose jobs based on the office environment?

Choose jobs based on the office environment? Is this something you would do?


How many employees choose jobs based on the office environment?


A third of employees choose jobs based on the office environment

How many employees choose jobs based on the office environment?  An interesting question, right?

I have some really interesting research to share with you today. Did you know that where they spend your working day is considerably more important for millennials, than any other generation.?

A recent survey of over 1,500 office staff aged between 18 and 65, by online office agency www.freeofficefinder.com, has revealed 33% of millennial office workers put more focus on the office environment than their salary and benefits.

Isn’t that incredible?

I would have definitely thought money came first.

It hasn’t allways been this way though. For a long time salary and benefits packages have been used to attract the best talent, and they were both great motivations for people to accept jobs, This generation though has a great handle on wellbeing and so do not strive for success at any cost.


What millenials want &  why they choose jobs based on the office environment?

The millennial generation wants something different. Something better.

 Milennials are keen to have work areas that help improve mental health and employee productivity, compared to the soulless bland and beige office we saw in the ’90s and early ’00s.  No-one ever loved that did they!

Now it is all about open plan, airy and natural light spaces and  standing desks, fresh flowers and greenery.



A look at the results of  why employees choose jobs based on the office environment?

The survey asked respondents to rate the importance of what they look for looking for a new job. Most generations put importance on salary, however, shockingly the results showed that millennials will put their main focus on the office environment they will be working in.

Millennial Rankings

  • Office environment – 33%
  • Salary – 24%
  • Location – 23%
  • Flexible working – 11%
  • Benefits – 9%


Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Z

  • Salary – 28%
  • Location – 25%
  • Benefits – 19%
  • Flexible working – 15%
  • Office environment – 13%


Office environment came last with these groups in complete contrast to the millennials rankings. Where would you have put office environemnt?

Commenting on the findings Nick Riesel, Founder at Free Office Finder said demands for fabulous offices really do not have to be costly:

“You can, however, create a great working environment for your employees without too much extra cost. Companies can look at offices which are close to transport links and amenities, have light and airy spaces, look at adding standing desks or flexible hot desks for their staff or add comfortable break rooms and kitchens to their existing spaces.”

I have to say in my opinion of you are going to spend all your working day somewhere it is really important it is comfortable and inspiring. I think the Millenials have it right.


Free Office Finder

Free Office Finder provides organisations with a free search facility to help them locate office space in London and the UK. They  represent a wide network of office space providers and heir  service  is completely impartial and driven by the needs of our clients.



How many employees choose jobs based on the office environment?  is a Feature post

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