Interior design trends 2021 – let us take a look at what is in store to be the 5 best new design trends in the coming year.
I am looking forward to hopefully a better new year I have my eye focussed on interior design trends 2021.
A bit of a house renovation and update is on my mind and as a lifestyle blogger, I do like to keep my finger on the pulse of what is happening. I find it exciting and it reawakens my interest each season and helps me look at my home (and my blog) with fresh eyes.
Interior Design Trends 2021
Interior Design Trends 2021 – the top 5
Let’s have a look is what is hot and top of peoples minds when it comes to interior design trends 2021. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Some years i trends really don’t work for me and I stick to what i love but this year I really think there is something for everyone.
Home office Interior Design Trends 2021
Interior Design Trends 2021
This damn virus is not looking to make a swift exit and people are settling into the idea that they may well be working at home for a while. Balancing their laptop on their rickety kitchen table or on their knee from the sofa will no longer do. Everyone wants and needs and deserves better than that, don’t they.
if you find yourself in this situation then truly it is time to take a serious look at your home working situation and do something about it to make it work for you – have you addressed this yet or is on your to do list? It really needs some attention, where we work and how we work really impact our wellness and alos , most defintely on our productivity.
People are putting some effort into their home offices now and making more of an effort to create a space that is both cool and comfortable to work in. Interior design trends 2021 HAD to include home offices.
Interior Design Trends 2021
How to make your home office work (so you do too)
I have written before about tips for a stylish home office and there are so many ways of making your home office practical and ergonomic whilst retaining the style you love in your home.
My top tip though would be to bring in the fresh flowers- after all this is your home and the scent and beauty will brighten every one of you working days. A quick but always welcome happiness fix.
Do you bring flowers into your home office? It is a staple in mine. I like freesia in my home office as I find the scent so uplifting and they don’t shed their leaves and the water doesn’t become dank and smelly. Bright coloured roses or a simple bunch of daffodils are also massive mood lifters I find and never fail to raise up my spirits and brighten my day.
Do make a n effort with your office space – you will spend so much time in it and it is definitely worth it as it will enhance your life in so different many ways,
Pin Interior Design Trends 2021 for later
More interior deign trends 2021
Taking a lo itle look at this video for some more inspiration.
Investing in your outdoor space – interior design trends 2021
Who doesn’t have a sofa in their garden or a hot tub on the patio these days? Because staying in is the new going out and staycationing has skyrocketed people are investing much more in their outdoor spaces and making them that gorgeous extra room they really need. However you do it and whatever type of furniture you buy making your own garden, balcony or deck a really relaxing and social place to be will make staying home that much more fun.
For us an investment in a chiminea has meant we can use outside a lot longer and I am currently extremely tempted by a summer house!
I have to say I rather fancy a hot tub too! I have been writing some tips on choosing a hot tub if you would lie to come and have a look
Indoor Interior Design Trends 2021
Indoors sees a big environmental slant too with reclaimed, vintage and repurposed furniture being the order of the day. This interested in repurposed furniture is not solely environmental though peoples finances have been hit really hard this year and a creative make does and mend upcycling spirit has been the result.
Buyers will be looking for comfort in interior design trends 2021 and seeking more traditional design elements in their homes after a turbulent year. Safe and familiar are suddenly much more attractive. You can definitely see this in kitchen trends in 2021 too with a return to muted colours and natural materials
Ocean blues in Interior Design Trends 2021
According to Home and Gardens ocean blues will be a key colour trend in 2021. I can absolutely understand the logic of this, I think we are all missing the sea! Also blue is one the most calming colours you could possibly imagine and let’s face it 2020 bought us a whole ton of anxiety and disquiet.
When it comes to paint colours warm and natural seems to be the order of the day grey is out, but, as well as ocean blue, olive green and warming reds are in. Is this linked to our thoughts and feelings about the environment possibly?
People are working hard at finding simple ways to stay calm and incorporating them into interior design trends 2021 – an ocean hues colour pallette in their home is just another example of this.
I love this green, do you?
The big colour of the year in Interior Design Trends 2021
According to trend forecasting service, WGSN AI Aqua is going to be the colour of the year AI standing of course for artificial intelligence – hmmm interesting! Apparently it brings focus and clarity. You can read more about it here
Houseplants in interior design trends 2021
Okay I know as a trend they have been around for ages and ages but actually, they are going nowhere in 2021 and if you haven’t yet embraced the house plant trend now is the time. There are so many benefits to keeping houseplants from helping you feel settle and peaceful in a well-nurtured home, to the simple power of healing that nature brings/
Here is how to help your indoor houseplants thrive
They are so good for the quality of air in our home too, releasing oxygen and filtering pollutants that they are an investment in our health as well as our environment. Dried flowers are going to be another of the big interior design trends in 2021 but I hate dried flowers so I am pretending I never heard about that!
Organic Interior Design Trends 2021
Organic materials are everywhere from jute to hemp to cork to untreated woods. Nature is as ever, absolutely inspiring us and healing us feel fresh and invigorated and at ease in our beautiful surroundings.
Minimalist art
And what about art? Because art, like paint and furniture, wallpaper and flooring does have specific trends and influences.
I am a huge fan of minimalist wall art and I am so pleased it is having it’s finest hour in 2021.
It makes me so happy and it soothes my heart.
Tapestries are all having their moment and make a lovely wall art idea
Minimalist wall art is about line and movement, about the suggestion rather than the detail of an image.
Your home should be a sanctuary, space and a place for you to retreat too to rest and relax and the simple, uncluttered loveliness of minimalist wall art enables you to feel that peace.
Line art is unfussy and simple and beautiful and set to be the big art design trend in 2021.
Over to you – what do you think of the interior design trends 2021?
So from art to plants to wall colours to organic materials and well-designed home offices and vamped up outdoor 2021 we are all taking more care of our homes and gardens (and ourselves) than ever before.
I think this matters so much after the shockingly difficult time we have all had recently – are you looking after yourself and your home more as a response to recent times? It can make such a difference to your wellbeing to pay that extra attention and add in a little more nurturing,
I do hope you have enjoyed this post on the top 5 interior design trends 2021 are there any that you fancy and think you might incorporate into your home?
Love to hear from you!
Interior Design Trends 2021 has been written in collaboration with the home research team at Quick Move Now
Further reading
You might also like my post on light trends in 2021
I keep orchids in my kitchen window. They seem to thrive. Maybe I should invest in one for my home office. It faces the same way so should do well.
I have been trying to change the contemporary look and feel of my living room and want to add more earthy elements to it. It feel too cold now. I want it to be more of a cozy looking with more summer elements into it. I have decide on the wall hanging and tapestries and have been checking the recent trends.